Question # 47379 | Writing | 2 years ago |
$30 |
The Khutsi Khutsi Republic ib Southern Africa has a history of recurring political intolerance. , electoral violence and disputed general elections. As a result, the post election period in this country is characterized by a humanitarian crisis emanating from the civil unrest. You have been appointed as the Southern African community delegate to find a lasting solution to the series of problems that bedevil the Khutsi Khutsi Republic. Write a paper as a diplomat in the 21st century detailing the diplomatic approaches and tools you will use in your assignment. Make reference and draw lessons from similar and international crises.
2. Assume that you are the Chief Protocol in the Office of the President in your country. A newly elected President is set to host a group of diplomats to present their credentials and later host a luncheon for them. Write a detailed paper on the critical protocol and etiquette issues to be observed in your organizing of the event and advise to the president.