Public and Foreign relations
Question # 47442 | Political Science | 2 years ago |
$20 |
A. The US “Think Tank,” The Council on Foreign Relations, claims that significant progress has been made in the last twenty years in global human rights.
Write a two to three-page paper in APA format outlining the arguments for and against this assertion and giving your reasons as to why this assertion is correct or incorrect.
You should also discuss the role played by differing national cultural value systems in securing or inhibiting global human rights.
B. Find a writing piece that can be considered a “public relations” piece (defined as written by someone in a public relations role within a company or agency). Reference the article/piece and identify the MAC including:
- the call-to-action (or lack thereof);
- primary, secondary, and tertiary audiences; and
- the channels for distribution.
Ensure the 12 Big Rules of AP are followed and identify any places where the rules are violated and provide the correction.