ENG7143 Project Managing the new Tesla Gigafactory in Texas [2500 words]
Question # 47630 | Writing | 2 years ago |
$45 |
ENG7143 Principles of Project Management
Coursework Assignment Brief
Academic Year 2021-22
Module Title:
Principles of Project Management
Module Code:
Project Managing the new Tesla Gigafactory in Texas.
Assessment Type
Weighting: 75 %
School of Engineering and the Built Environment
Module Co-ordinator:
Hand in deadline date:
Report submission: 12pm Mid-day on 29/08/2022
Quiz submission: 12pm Mid-day on 29/08/2022
Return of Feedback date and format
20 working days from date of submission (see Moodle for details).
Re-assessment hand in deadline date:
12pm Mid-day on Monday 21st November 2022
Note: the reassessment work may be different.
Support available for students required to submit a re-assessment:
Timetabled revisions sessions will be arranged for the period immediately preceding the hand in date
At the first assessment attempt, the full range of marks is available. At the re-assessment attempt the mark is capped and the maximum mark that can be achieved is 50%.
Assessment Summary
Project Report based on a Case Study (60%)
Individual Report maximum word count of 2500
10% excluding abstract, references and appendices).
Online Quiz (15%)
A graded quiz to demonstrate knowledge and application of project management course material.
Standard Postgraduate Regulations
Your studies will be governed by the BCU Academic Regulations on Assessment, Progression and Awards. Copies of regulations can be found at https://www.bcu.ac.uk/student-info/student-contract
For courses accredited by professional bodies such as the IET (Institution of Engineering and Technology) there are some derogations from the standard regulations and these are detailed in your Programme Handbook
Cheating and Plagiarism
Both cheating and plagiarism are totally unacceptable and the University maintains a strict policy against them. It is YOUR responsibility to be aware of this policy and to act accordingly. Please refer to the Academic Registry Guidance at https://icity.bcu.ac.uk/Academic-Services/Information-for-Students/Assessment/Avoiding-Allegations-of-Cheating
The basic principles are:
· Don’t pass off anyone else’s work as your own, including work from “essay banks”. This is plagiarism and is viewed extremely seriously by the University.
· Don’t submit a piece of work in whole or in part that has already been submitted for assessment elsewhere. This is called duplication and, like plagiarism, is viewed extremely seriously by the University.
· Always acknowledge all of the sources that you have used in your coursework assignment or project.
· If you are using the exact words of another person, always put them in quotation marks.
· Check that you know whether the coursework is to be produced individually or whether you can work with others.
· If you are doing group work, be sure about what you are supposed to do on your own.
· Never make up or falsify data to prove your point.
· Never allow others to copy your work.
· Never lend disks, memory sticks or copies of your coursework to any other student in the University; this may lead you being accused of collusion.
By submitting coursework, either physically or electronically, you are confirming that it is your own work (or, in the case of a group submission, that it is the result of joint work undertaken by members of the group that you represent) and that you have read and understand the University’s guidance on plagiarism and cheating.
You should be aware that coursework may be submitted to an electronic detection system in order to help ascertain if any plagiarised material is present. You may check your own work prior to submission using Turnitin at the Formative Moodle Site. If you have queries about what constitutes plagiarism, please speak to your module tutor or the Centre for Academic Success.
Electronic Submission of Work
It is your responsibility to ensure that work submitted in electronic format can be opened on a faculty computer and to check that any electronic submissions have been successfully uploaded. If it cannot be opened it will not be marked. Any required file formats will be specified in the assignment brief and failure to comply with these submission requirements will result in work not being marked. You must retain a copy of all electronic work you have submitted and re-submit if requested.
Learning Outcomes to be Assessed:
1 Critically analyse project management methodologies and tools for implementing a successful project.
2 Evaluate approaches to human resource management for a successful project noting cultural, social and economic influences.
3 Assess the role of quality and risk management in the delivery of successful projects.
4 Evaluate the usefulness of current tools and software, such as Prince II as a methodology.
Assessment Details:
Title: Project Managing the new Tesla Gigafactory in Texas
Individual Report
Online Quiz
Rationale: The Project Management Institute defines project management as the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities to meet project requirements. This assignment will help the students to apply these skills by investigating real world issues associated with project management. Allowing them to improve their ability to understand, analyse and synthesize complex scenarios and apply them to a case study. Within the discipline of initiating, planning, executing, and managing resources with the goal of completing specific deliverables within budget and time. The student will have an opportunity at the end of the module to monitor their project management knowledge, by an online quiz.
Tesla Inc is an American electric car and clean energy company based in California, USA.
Tesla’s future project is to build another Gigafactory in Austin, Texas. (Please note, assumption will be made about the new upcoming Gigafactory in this case study, but only for the purpose of this assignment).
The new Gigafactory project will start in January 1, 2022 and will be completed in time for the start of the 2024 season (project duration of 2 years). If the project is delayed past the completion date, the company will start to occur a cost of $1,000,000 per day, against the initial budget set aside for the project. Elon Musk, the CEO of the company revealed the cost of the project could be as much as $1 Billion.
Phase one (infrastructure) of the project will start by sourcing the appropriate site to construct the new Gigafactory. An activity known as site selection; this will last for 30 days. Once the land is sourced in Austin, Texas after careful consideration, work will begin for land preparation which will take around 35 days to complete. The design and planning for the facilities, will start simultaneously. The design activity will last for 35 days and planning will take 55 days to complete. Next will come the built phase, the actual construction of the building. One of the longest activities of the project, lasting about 150 days. To complete the construction and to the make the building watertight, a roof must be constructed, which will add another 60 days to the project. Only once it becomes watertight, the plumbing and the electrics will be allowed to be installed simultaneously. Plumbing will take around 30 days and electrics a little longer 40 days. Finally, to complete the first stage of the project a final inspection of work will be carried out, this can take up to 10 days to inspect.
Phase two (internal assembly and support systems) the construction and integration of the internal manufacturing assembly system. An assembly system is a robotic manufacturing process in which parts are added as the product (vehicle) moves from work area to work area, where the parts are added in sequence until the final product is produced. The integration of all the systems represents the most significant technical challenge to the project. In order of production, the first area to be fitted out will be the battery and drivetrain assembly area, a 70 days activity. Followed by seat assembly area 50 days and final vehicle assembly area 80 days. To finalise the production stage, a paint and ventilation area will be completed in 90 days. Eventually, to support the production a central supply building needs to be constructed (100 Days) and finally, a test track outside the building (80 days) to test out the final product before it leaves the Gigafactory.
Given the information provided answer the following questions:
Individual report (60%)
You are required to produce a report. As you work through your report, you need to justify the decisions you have made, and if you make any assumption also need to be noted.
1. To ensure the success of the project, you need to identify and discuss the methods of project planning and project control that can be used.
2. Will the project be able to be completed by the January 2024 deadline? Construct a network schedule for the project.
· How long will it take and what is the critical path for the project?
What steps
might be taken to improve the timing schedule if the project were required to
be completed in 100 days earlier?
Include a Gantt chart for the project plan.
Higher marks awarded if done using appropriate project planning
software and correct with no errors.
3. Develop a proper project budget, by justifying
your choices and estimates.
are the estimated costs of the deliverables?
What weakness exist in the estimation
4. What project management methodologies can be used for implementing this project successfully?
Online Quiz (15%)
You will have the opportunity to test your knowledge on project management through the use of a quiz that has to be submitted on Moodle by 09/09/22; it has a duration of 45 minutes and will consist of 35 questions. You only have one attempt. The results of the quiz will be output straight after.
Additional information:
For advice on writing style, referencing and academic skills, please make use of the Centre for Academic Success: https://icity.bcu.ac.uk/celt/centre-for-academic-success
You are to produce an individual report. Maximum word count of 2500 has been set as the limit. All charts, diagrams and additional useful information should be included.
Individual assessment via test consisting of true/false and multiple-choice questions
Notional hours that a typical student would be expected to take to pass this assignment have been outlined as:
A 20 Credit level 7 module is Typically, 20 credits = 200Hrs.
Scheduled Learning = 3Hrs x 12 weeks = 36Hrs
Guided Independent Learning = 164Hrs
Guided Independent Learning will be split between the 2 CWRKs:
25% CWRK1 = 41 Hrs over 12 weeks
60% CWRK2 = 98 Hrs over 12 weeks
15% CWRK2 = 25 Hrs over 12 weeks
Transferable skills:
Project Management, Budgeting, Planning, Leadership, Teamwork, Problem Solving, Verbal Communication, Time Management and Analytical Skills.
Marking Criteria:
Your Individual report and Quiz will be marked to Learning Outcomes 1, 2, 3 and 4.
Table of Assessment Criteria and Associated Grading Criteria
Individual report
Online Quiz
60 % of assessment
15 % of assessment
0 – 29%
A badly failed piece of work. No real attempt to answer the questions. There are poor arguments and lack of relevance. Inadequate reference to relevant project management methodologies, tools and software and approaches to human resource management for implementing a successful project.
Not attempted / incomplete or very poor.
30 – 39%
A failed piece of work. This report shows some understanding of the general but there are major errors and inadequate reference to all or some key concepts (i.e. project management methodologies, tools and software and approaches to human resource management for implementing a successful project). Contents partly or substantially irrelevant. Poorly structured. Displays little knowledge or understanding of the subject matter.
A little evidence of knowledge of key issues/concepts/ethics in discipline.
40 – 49%
Material is largely relevant, but muddled, lacking focus and structure. Important elements are missing or there are significant errors of understanding of all or some key concepts (i.e. project management methodologies, tools and software and approaches to human resource management for implementing a successful project).
Attempts made but not sufficient to pass.
50 – 59%
Generally good attempt and answers shows adequate knowledge of subject. However, there are some elements missing (i.e. project management methodologies, tools and software and approaches to human resource management for implementing a successful project) and there is a limited evidence of independent thought or further reading.
Adequate knowledge of key issues/concepts/ethics in discipline.
60 – 69%
Comprehensive and coherent answers to the questions. Evidence of significant reading beyond the basic texts. Displays a good knowledge of the subject matter and an ability to discuss concepts (i.e. project management methodologies, tools and software and approaches to human resource management for implementing a successful project) intelligently and analytically.
Good knowledge of key issues/concepts/ethics in discipline.
70 – 79%
Well-focussed answer and comprehensive. Strong evidence of reading beyond the basic texts and lecture materials, displays mastery of the subject matter and ability to discuss project management methodologies, tools and software and approaches to human resource management for implementing a successful project in an intelligent and penetrating manner. No major errors though some minor errors.
Very good knowledge of key issues/concepts/ethics in discipline.
80 - 90%
Well-focussed, carefully structured and thorough answer. Cogent and clearly argued around project management methodologies, tools and software and approaches to human resource management for implementing a successful project. There is originality and/or independent critical analytical ability that shows mastery of the subject matter to an exceptional degree. No major errors and only occasional minor errors.
Excellent knowledge of key issues/concepts/ethics in discipline.
90 – 100%
Outstanding and insightful work. All major and minor objectives achieved. Containing evidence of significant independent research and it is well-structured. Aptly focussed and well-written. Free of errors or some minor errors
Outstanding knowledge of key issues/concepts/ethics in discipline.
Submission Details:
Moodle site submission
Quiz on Moodle site
· The minimum pass mark for a module is 50%
· Re-sit marks are capped at 50%
Full academic regulations are available for download using the link provided above in the IMPORTANT STATEMENTS section
Late Penalties
If you submit an assessment late at the first attempt then you will be subject to one of the following penalties:
· if the submission is made between 1 and 24 hours after the published deadline the original mark awarded will be reduced by 5%. For example, a mark of 60% will be reduced by 3% so that the mark that the student will receive is 57%. ;
· if the submission is made between 24 hours and one week (5 working days) after the published deadline the original mark awarded will be reduced by 10%. For example, a mark of 60% will be reduced by 6% so that the mark the student will receive is 54%.
· if the submission is made after 5 days following the deadline, your work will be deemed as a fail and returned to you unmarked.
The reduction in the mark will not be applied in the following two cases:
· the mark is below the pass mark for the assessment. In this case the mark achieved by the student will stand
· where a deduction will reduce the mark from a pass to a fail. In this case the mark awarded will be the threshold (i.e. 50%)
Please note:
· If you submit a re-assessment late then it will be deemed as a fail and returned to you unmarked.
Marks and Feedback on your work will normally be provided within 20 working days of its submission deadline.
Online quiz results will be instant after submission.
Where to get help:
Students can meet with the Tutor Individually to seek clarification with regard to the module.
Students can get additional support from the library support for searching for information and finding academic sources. See their iCity page for more information: http://libanswers.bcu.ac.uk/
The Centre for Academic Success offers 1:1 advice and feedback on academic writing, referencing, study skills and maths/statistics/computing. See their iCity page for more information: https://icity.bcu.ac.uk/celt/centre-for-academic-success
Additional assignment advice can be found here: https://libguides.bcu.ac.uk/MA
Fit to Submit:
Are you ready to submit your assignment – review this assignment brief and consider whether you have met the criteria. Use any checklists provided to ensure that you have done everything needed.
Please check the file CheckingYourAssignment_ENG7143 CEBE on Moodle.
Assignment Tip Sheet
Assignment Checklist
Run through this simple tick list before submitting your work!
Well prepared materials make your work look more professional and easy to understand.
I have used the spellchecker and proofread the report correcting errors several times.
I have checked that all material is directly related to the assignment tasks.
I have checked that all the required information has been included in the report.
The report is professionally presented using consistent headings, fonts and layout.
All tables and images are numbered and captioned.
I have used the report structure specified in the assignment.
Referencing and Originality
Your work will be subjected to checks to ensure it is not derivative of other works. Works found to be derivative may leave you subject to penalties, including in extreme cases, expulsion from the University.
All images and tables are fully referenced
I have not copied any material from anywhere else. All sentences have been paraphrased into my own words.
All references appear in the references section at the end of the presentation.
All references are cited in the text in the form of (author, year). See https://www.bcu.ac.uk/library/services-and-support/referencing for more details.
If I have used quotes, these are fully referenced, appear in quotation marks and form only a small part of my report.
Is your work complete? Have you included all the required elements?
I have discussed the methods of project planning.
I have constructed a network schedule.
I have created a Gantt chart using an appropriate software.
I have implemented project management methodologies for project success.
I have completed the online quiz.