Dream Interpretation
Question # 47710 | Psychology | 2 years ago |
$5 |
For this weeks Assignment, answer the following questions in APA Format and in a word document. Be sure to include factual, properly cited information in your Assignment.
Write about a dream that really made an impact on you. It can be a recurring dream, a scary dream, a happy dream, or an especially vivid dream. What do the above websites say about the interpretation of your dream? Do you feel these interpretations are accurate? Why or why not? What do you think is the meaning behind this dream? Directions: Write at least 300 words in a word document about this topic. Post your word count in your assignment. Make sure to cite sources in your assignment using APA format. The source for question 2 must be the websites listed, for question 1 and 3, it may be your textbook or any other source you research. The entire assignment, from title page to reference page must be in APA 7th edition format. Submit your assignment using the Week 2 Dream Assignment link above. Example Week 2 Assignment Example Week 2 Assignment - Alternative Formats Tips for your Assignment: Always use the 7th edition of APA for your references and in-text citations (Wikipedia is not a reliable source and cannot be used in this class). The assignment must be written in 7th edition APA format in a Microsoft Word document with header page numbers at top right side of each page, Title page, no more than 12 point font, double spaced and indented paragraphs, 7th edition APA citations in each paragraph to support what is shared throughout, and a complete 7th edition APA reference page, word count posted (there is an example below). Please be sure to back up your answers with facts from the source, and put together complete and well thought out responses. Also make sure that you support and reinforce your answers and replies with factual information from the source. Make sure to do a spelling and grammar check before submitting. Double check that you meet the word requirement (title page information, section headings, and references do not get included in a word count).