Day 3-Stress and Nurse Burnout, Personality Assessment, Strength Finder
Question # 47767 | Health & Medical | 2 years ago |
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Please download this week's PPT & complete all of your assignments on 1 word document and upload to drop box.
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Day 3- Personality Assessment, Stress & Nurse Burnout
Assignments: All content is in the PPT
1.Push Pause: How to Turn Burnout into Personal Fuel | Rachael O'Meara | TEDxFredericksburg – YouTube (14min video) –watch video and answer questions. (1hr)
2.Case Study to Promote Clinical Reasoning-Burnout (1.5hr)
3.Assignment: If my Nursing Career gets rough- (1hr)
4.Marcus Buckingham strength finder assessment (2.5hrs)
5.Personality Assessment (2hrs)
6.PPT-Autobiography- What Story Will You Create? (3hrs)