Assignment 1 [need 10 pages]
Question # 47771 | Writing | 2 years ago |
$45 |
Assignment 1: Research Paper Instruction Sheet
Due Thursday ;
TITLE: Please choose a title other than the exact wording of the task that Teacher suggested.
SECTIONS: The sections should start with the following headings & include the following material:
- Introduction
In this section, the topic is introduced & some brief background material given to pique the reader’s interest. “What is the problem?” & “How does one deal with it?” may be the core of the Intro. End by introducing in some detail THE CONTENTS OF THE NEXT SECTIONS, including the conclusion that you came to.
- Literature Review
What do the readings that you have done on the topic contain in terms of background information? Include a synthesis here. Narrow the problem down at the end of this section to what you will analyze in the next sections. Make sure to use in-text citations (e.g., APA-style) for the key points made in this section. The section should NOT JUST BE A LIST OF TOPICS DISCUSSED.
- Method of Analysis
Discuss a type of analysis in generic terms that will apply to the issue/ problem as you set it up in the literature review. Show math in a mandatory equation (separate line(s)). Read “Math Morsels” in Bb – Course Documents – Quant Methods Boot Camp for examples of functions that you might use. For example, the annuity formula:
Explain the notation (e.g., R is the annual return or payment), & give a word explanation of your equation. [DO NOT INCLUDE NUMERICAL CALCULATIONS (E.G., TABLES) HERE.]
- Analysis Applied to the Problem
Explain how your generic analysis of the previous section will become a numerical problem. Explain where you got data to make it numerical, & generate numbers of your own. How will each element be quantified? Where will the numbers come from? etc. [INCLUDE (at least one) NUMERICAL TABLE HERE.]
- Conclusion
Explain how you used your numerical results to solve the issue/problem you described in the intro & literature review. Relate a scenario of the future of the problem and its solution. Summarize what you wrote in the previous sections & estimate what future research should be done, in your opinion.
References [You choose a style, for example, APA-style]
There should be AT LEAST 10 REFERENCES. [WHETHER YOU USE 10 OR NOT]. Taking material verbatim from the sources is NOT acceptable.
(i have attached five references that you can include), the other five you can pick from the web.