Business Communication Assignment
Question # 47805 | Communications | 2 years ago |
$4 |
Paraphrase the direct quote used in the worksheet, by applying the third strategy mentioned in the video.
Fill out the attached worksheet using the videos below for Parts 1 and 2. Submit your completed Research Activity by clicking the words "Research Activity" above and attaching your file. Don't forget to hit "Submit" and look for the confirmation email from Blackboard!
How to Use and Acknowledge Someone Else’s Ideas in Your Writing
Like your textbook points out, using expert material in your writing can enhance your credibility. There are a number of ethical and practical issues you need to pay attention to when using someone else’s thoughts or words, however. This activity will give you practice with in-text citation, i.e., a method we use to show our readers where outside information came from.
Part 1 on the worksheet: Citing a quote from this article: