Cultural Competence
Question # 47823 | Writing | 2 years ago |
$50 |
What is the connection between diversity and exclusion in the workplace?
Why is cultural competence important?
Cultural Competence Self-Assessment
Students will complete the Cultural Competence Assessment that is provided. This is a personal self-assessment.
After completing the assessment, students should:
Reflect on the assessment and discuss what they learned from it about themselves. Identify areas of strength and opportunities for ongoing personal and professional development Students will write an essay of 2 pages with their lessons learned from the assessment and * Discuss what they learned from it about themselves and
How they plan to apply it to manage diversity and inclusion in the workplace. * This is simply a tool. This is not a test. The rating scale is intended to help you identify areas of strength and opportunities for ongoing personal and professional development
2-3 pages
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