Advance Nursing Practice Grounded in Caring
Question # 47923 | Health & Medical | 2 years ago |
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Review your nursing situation from Module One and specifically identify the essence of caring (one or two word concept). The last sentence of your nursing situation is: The essence of caring in this nursing situation is.... Identifying one concept will enhance the clarity of your paper. Use concepts Mayeroff, Roach and other concepts of caring identified by theorists studied in this course. Examples: Hope, Trust, Authentic Presence, Competence, Listening, Silence etc. do not use multiple concepts. Caring cannot be chosen as the concept.
Identify the call for nursing and your response. Discuss how a particular way of knowing or multiple ways of knowing guided your practice, such as empirical, personal, ethical, aesthetic, spiritual, socio-political, unknowing or emancipatory (See Pages 33-35 in Chapter 3 in Nursing Case Studies in Caring).
- The Nursing Situation (Limit to 4 pages)
Nursing occurs in nursing situations: co-created lived experiences in which the caring between nurses and persons enhance well-being (FAU-CON Philosophy, 2012).
Create a quiet space in which you can reflect and read your nursing situation from Module 1.
- You are to include your nursing situation in its entirety with integration of multiple ways of knowing, call and response for nursing, Mayeroff’s ingredients and Roach’s concepts or others that emerged within your nursing situation. Include call of nursing and response to that call; and multiple ways of knowing. For depth, use multiple 6Cs, and Caring Ingredients, using 2-3 of the 6Cs and Mayeroff's ingredients is not very comprehensive.
- At the end of your nursing situation, write a closing sentence that begins: The essence of caring in this nursing situation is …and fill in the blank with one word from your sense of the situation. (See Example, Page 80 in Chapter 6 or page 100 in Chapter 9 in Nursing Case Studies in Caring).
- The Theoretical Perspective: (2-3 pages)
For this paper you need to select either Watson’s Theory of Caring or Boykin and Schoenhofer’s Theory Nursing as Caring and describe how it guided your nursing in the nursing situation. Describe the essential concepts of the theory and explain how these concepts are present in your nursing situation. Include the phenomena central to nursing (elements of the metaparadigm) person, nursing, environment, and health. Many times these concepts are not spelled out you may have to interpret them from the theorist’s work. Describe other concepts of the theory as well.
Use primary sources (literature written by the theorist) to describe this theory as well as related sources written by others that explicate, extend, or affirm the specific theoretical perspective. Use a minimum of 3 primary (written by the theorist) and at least 2 secondary references.
The focus of this paper is more on how the theory guided your practice versus describing the theory. For example, if you used Watson’s theory you don’t describe all ten caritas processes but you identify the ones that guided your nursing situation.
- The Essence of Caring in the Nursing Situation (1-2 pages)
- Identify and describe the central one-word caring concept (the essence of caring) that was expressed in your selected nursing situation from Module 1.
- Describe the identified caring concept by drawing upon sources from the literature and describe how the identified caring concept reflects the theoretical perspective used in your paper. While there is no magic number of reference sources needed to properly explicate the caring concept you have selected from your Nursing Situation, a minimum of 3 primary sources and no more than 2 secondary sources are adequate to achieve the task effectively. For example, if you chose Watson’s theory and your concept was love then define how other nursing theorists define love – i.e. Boykin and Schoenhofer’s Theory of Nursing as Caring.
- Personal Relevance (1/2 page)
- Write a concluding paragraph addressing the relevance of practicing nursing from a theoretical perspective and describing your personal understanding of caring as foundational to advanced nursing knowledge; be direct and specific and use the first person, “I”.
- How will you integrate this new understanding into your practice of nursing? This is all about you no references or direct quotes in this paragraph).
- Formatting:
All formatting is to be in APA 7th Edition Manual of Style and must include correct in-text citations and references, page formatting, correct spelling, punctuation, grammar, and nonsexist language. It is your responsibility to ensure that your assignment provides evidence of your caring scholarship.
Submit with a title page and reference page. Use the following as your headings.
- Nursing Situation
- Theoretical Perspective
- Essence of Caring in the Nursing Situation
- Personal Relevance