4LAW2003-0901 C/W 1 Video Presentation[i alsoneed speaker notes to present]
Question # 47934 | Law | 2 years ago |
$20 |
Justice Matters Coursework 1
This will take the form of a Video Presentation. It will comprise 50% of your final mark for this course:-
Pick ONE of the following miscarraige of Justice cases below.
1. The Birmingham 6
2. The Guildford 4
3. Sally Clark
4. Timothy Evans
5. Barry George (The Jill Dando case)
6. Derek Bentley (Hanged in 1953)
Your video presentation must include: -
You at the beginning of the presentation, holding up your student ID card to the camera and:-
- a brief summary of the facts of the case;
- the key legal stages in the process e.g. the circumstances of the arrest, first trial, any campaigns to overturn the conviction, any appeal etc;
- it should seek to identify the source of the miscarriage of justice e.g. evidence missed, unreliable expert evidence, police extracting false confessions, police abuse, inadequate legal representation etc;
- some lessons to be learned.
It MUST also include:-
- PowerPoint slides to accompany the talk;
- a slide at the end containing the references relied on in the presentation;
- You do not need to footnote each source in the talk so long as there is a slide at the end which contains the all the references which you have used.
The video must not exceed 5 minutes in length. Anything after 5 minutes will not be marked.
Further information on the assignment
Justice Matters Assignment - Video presentation.docxDownload Justice Matters Assignment - Video presentation.docx
Please read through the marking guidelines below. They set out what you need to include in each grade boundary.
Marking Guiddelines for Oral Presentations (in-person, video and online)
Grade descriptor:
Will demonstrate an excellent level of comprehension of the issues. The presentation will be highly developed and focused and the candidate will cite journal articles and/or quote from judgments in relevant case law. An obvious effort will be made to substantiate arguments using appropriate legal authority. The presentation will have a clear structure and will be articulate, lucidly and cogently argued. PPT slides are well presented and neatly designed, containing relevant talking points, yet are not overly crowded with information.
Will demonstrate a very good level of comprehension of the issues. The presentation will be well-developed and focused and the candidate will cite journal articles and/or quote from judgments in relevant case law. A clear effort will be made to substantiate arguments using appropriate legal authority. The presentation will have a clear structure and will be articulate, lucidly and cogently argued. PPT slides are well presented, contain relevant information, and illustrate some design effort.
Content – In order to obtain a mark in this range students will include (in addition to what is required for above 60%) the following:
1) Adherence to the assignment instructions and the content to include.
2) The presentation must be approached from a legal perspective setting out the relevant legal stages to appeal.
Will demonstrate a good level of comprehension of the issues, although in some respects, the answer given in the presentation may not be consistently or fully developed. The presentation should be well-structured and clearly expressed. Use of legal authority will be good. Better answers within the 60-69 range will identify the main relevant issues, points or arguments raised by the question. (Where applicable: PPT slides contain relevant information, yet might be overly informative or unclear).
Content – In order to obtain a mark in this range students will include (in addition to what is required for above 50%) the following:
1. Adherence to the coursework question which lays down in detail what must be included.
Will address the question in broad or generalized terms, thus showing a reasonable level of comprehension of the broad topic but with more limited engagement with the specific question at hand. Crucial aspects of a full analysis may be absent. Whilst generally clearly presented and coherent, the answer given in the presentation may be ambiguous or/and muddled in places. (Where applicable: PPT slides show a reasonable effort, yet reflect overall lack of structure and reflect a basic understanding of the topic).
Content – In order to obtain a mark in this range students will include (in addition to what is required to pass) the following:
1) Adherence to thcoursework Question which lays out what needs to be included.
Will demonstrate a satisfactory level of comprehension of the topic in general but the question itself will be superficially addressed or even ignored in places. The analysis will be weak and reductive overall. There may be a number of omissions as well as conspicuous, irrelevant information/misunderstanding. (Where applicable: Some effort made to compile a decent PPT presentation, yet content is not entirely relevant, crucial content might be missing, and presentation lacks overall structure).
Content - In order to pass, students should recognise and include the following:
1) Some attempt at addressing the question
2) A reasonably coherent structure
A fail will have weak or/and inadequate evidence of understanding of the topic, or the answer will be largely incomplete with limited exploration of the some of the key issues or omission of the major points and arguments; there will be poor and/or inappropriate presentation style. (Where applicable: PPT slides generally disorganised, perhaps lacking in crucial content, with low levels of effort).
For Law modules, your coursework answer should be properly referenced using the OSCOLA Referencing System.