Speech Topic Ideas presentation
Question # 47950 | Communications | 2 years ago |
$9 |
Speech Topic Ideas**
You may take the stance that you agree or disagree with any one topic mentioned below:
∗ A business should first and foremost take good care of their employees. (I agree to this topic)I will be making the PowerPoint I would just need the info to be separated to know what to use in each slideshow.
∗ Your presentation must address the topic listed below that you choose.
∗ Your presentation must be between four (4) and five (5) minutes.
∗ Your presentation must capture and keep the attention of your audience.
∗ You must have presentational slides—the slides do NOT have to be perfectly clear.
∗ You must be clearly visible in the frame of your video.
∗ You must include at least two outside sources (primary research should be the focus of your outside sourcing).
∗ You must also verbally cite your two (2) outside sources.
∗ I must be able to hear your voice.
∗ Presentation & delivery
∗ Preparedness
∗ Thoughtfulness
∗ Interest
∗ Relevance and/or suitability (of presentational content)
∗ Accuracy
∗ Adequacy
∗ Eye contact
∗ Confidence
∗ Timeliness (reminder, it must be 4 to 5 minutes)