gbs_l7_ce01 : Global Business Strategy: Individual Portfolio
Question # 47974 | Business & Finance | 2 years ago |
$50 |
L7 Global Business Strategy: Individual Portfolio, 100%
Module Leader: Dr. Selwyn Seymour
Key Details and Requirements
Submission deadline: Tuesday, 10 January 2023, no later than 16:30pm (GMT)
Learning outcomes:
1. Analyse critically the strategic planning and implementation process in a global context.
2. Synthesise and evaluate critically organisational leadership, particularly the principles that support values and strategies in a global context.
3. Apply and appraise critically different approaches to innovation and change management.
4. Evaluate, synthesise and draw conclusions from emerging models of strategies, their impact on relations with management, strategic direction and implementation in a global environment.
5. Identify a range of strategic leadership styles and critically evaluate their impact on strategy; ethics and values; and assess the benefits and limitations of each style.
Assessment details: Individual Portfolio (tasks and activities accumulated over the semester), 100% (2,500 words +/- 10%)
Referencing: Students are expected to use Harvard Referencing throughout their assignments where required. Please follow the Harvard Referencing Handbook for all your assignments at the ULBS.
Submission Method: Turnitin - Your work needs to be put through Turnitin. All submissions will be electronically checked for plagiarism.
You have the option to upload your work ahead of the deadline, ULBS will be reviewing your last submission only.
Turnitin cannot be used for late submissions. In such case, you should send your work to *This Text is Removed by Studyfull for Privacy & Security Purposes*
If you experience issues when uploading your work, please email it by the deadline to *This Text is Removed by Studyfull for Privacy & Security Purposes*
Please note that you can deviate +- 10% from the word limit stated on each assignment.
The assignment focuses on production of an e-portfolio of work on global business strategy (GBS) and requires research, collection, compilation, critical analysis and creation of and reflection on data, information, publications, etc compiled over the course of the semester. The information must be based on a particular crisis or incident, series of crises/incidents, be driven by a common theme, evidence-based and presented as a complete picture once done.
1. By the end of the first phase of the module (Week 3), you will research, identify and collect a series of data and information, which must relate to a particular crisis or series of challenges in the external environments over the past few years.
2. Your data and information must come from various sources – e.g., Internet, Radio, TV, YouTube, etc and various media, for example, printed media, journal articles, social media, books, newspapers, etc.
3. By the second phase of the module (Week 6), you will compile information in a coherent and logical way that tells a complete ‘story’ that responds to the crisis in question; e.g., the e-Portfolio may focus on how a global FMCG firm was forced to reconsider its main product portfolio in light of the unrest in Eastern Europe that damaged it’s international supply chain or how a multinational company decided to fund the development of health and wellness programmes in response to rising global healthcare costs.
4. Drawing on critical analysis and evaluation of your collated information, the final task will be to reflect on the process of collating information and creating an e-Portfolio on global business strategy (by the end of the final phase, i.e., by Week 9). You will submit your completed- e-Portfolio with analyses and findings that go beyond description, the total of which should not exceed 2,500 words (+/- 10%).
Your collection of work will exhibit your efforts, progress, and achievements at various points of the semester. The e-portfolio will exam your selected samples of work, experiences and documents as they relate to outcomes being assessed.
Module Assessment Criteria
Illustrates an excellent level of understanding of complex issues in the subject. All requirements of the work are dealt with to a high standard and the work is free from all but isolated minor errors. The material is wholly relevant to the tasks.
Excellent analysis, synthesis and critical reflection with the ability to tackle issues and questions not previously encountered.
Evidence of independent and original judgment in relation to the resolution of the client’s needs and problems. Excellently presented in terms of structure and professional style
Illustrates a very good understanding of the issues in the subject, some of which are likely to be complex with some independent critical thought appropriate to the tasks. Most of the requirements of the work are covered with only a few gaps or minor and inconsequential errors. The material is largely relevant to the tasks and there is a good attempt at analysis, synthesis and critical reflection with evidence of some ability to tackle issues not previously encountered. The work is presented in a clear and well- organised manner with only minor spelling and grammatical errors.
60 -69%
The work displays good knowledge and understanding and its relevance to the task. The submission exhibits clear analysis and reasonable use of grammar, spelling and language. It may contain errors and lack fluency. Limited evidence of the ability to
sustain a relevant argument or logical reasoning.
50 – 59%
Exhibits an unsatisfactory grasp of the issues in the subject. Primarily descriptive and lacking in independent critical thought appropriate to the tasks. Weak or no attempt at analysis, synthesis and critical reflection with little evidence of ability to tackle issues not previously encountered. Poor spelling or other grammatical errors.
0 - 49%