7BSP1371 ABRM Assignment 1 Reflective Portfolio ( 2000 words )
Question # 48029 | Writing | 2 years ago |
$40 |
Module Title: Advanced Business
Research Methods Module Code: 7BSP1371 Assignment Format & Maximum Word
count Reflective Portfolio
(2000 words (+/-10%) Assignment weighting 70% Coursework Submission: Time:
23.59 Date:
Wednesday, 4th January 2023 Coursework return Date returned to students: 1/2/2023 Module Leader Dr
Kathlyn Wilson First marker Internal Moderator Approved ü Module Board name PG Human Resource Management
and Strategy External Examiner Approved ☐ Module Board date February 2023 Module eligible for an extension on
submission date (subject to UPRs) YES / NO Assessment
Criteria Learning Outcomes: Knowledge and
Understanding assessed in this assignment: ·
Critically examine the range of online
sources of business intelligence (using Mintel, Government sources (papers,
ONS, Census), trade sources, ‘broadsheet’ articles as well as academic articles) ·
Formulate a complex, ethical research
strategy in order to gather primary qualitative research for the workplace ·
Explore and evaluate quantitative research
analysis tools applicability to workplace problems Learning Outcomes: Skills and Attributes
assessed in this assignment: ·
Evaluate case studies of business research
in practice from the literature ·
research findings to theories and concepts from the literature ·
Present research findings in the workplace:
business report writing and presentations ·
Produce a personal research skills
development plan Transformational Opportunities: ·
Feedback /Marking criteria for this Assignment ·
Performance will be assessed using HBS
Grading Criteria (Rubric) ·
Feedback for improvement will
be given in writing via your Canvas module site within 4
weeks of submission ·
Penalty: For each day or part day up to
five days after the published deadline, coursework relating to modules
submitted late will have the numeric grade reduced by 10 grade points until
or unless the numeric grade reaches the minimum pass mark (UG 40/PG 50).
Where the numeric grade awarded for the assessment is less than the minimum
pass mark no lateness penalty will be applied. If the coursework is
submitted more than 5 days after the published deadline, it will not be
marked and a grade of zero will be awarded. Please note: Referred
coursework submitted after the published deadline will be awarded a grade of
zero (0).” ·
Students do not have an automatic right to an extension. If you require
an extension, this must be requested in advance of the submission
deadline. Please give your reason(s) for needing an extension. Detailed Brief for Individual / Team Assignment Assignment
Title: Reflective Portfolio Produce a Reflective Portfolio on the
recommended research-related LinkedIn Learning courses in this module. Reflect
on your experience of the learning, how these courses have advanced your
research skills and how they will enhance your employability. (word count: +/-
2000 words) Description
of the assignment, task, content and structure: In order to advance students research
skills and enhance their employability via the MSc programme, a series of
research related LinkedIn Learning Courses have been embedded in this module
in correspondence to the relevant module topics. Students are expected to complete and gain at least 5
certificates out of 8 recommended LinkedIn Learning Courses. This reflective portfolio provides
students the opportunity to demonstrate the work (LinkedIn Learning courses)
they have undertaken, and the skill sets they have developed. It also
provides them the opportunity to explore their own learning process, express
their feelings, evaluate their genuine engagement with the LinkedIn Learning,
and analyse how the knowledge and skills would contribute to their continuing
professional development and possibly be applied in their future
workplace. In this
assignment, students will need to: 1.
and gain at least 5 certificates out of the below 14 recommended LinkedIn
Learning Courses 2.
- “Endnote Essential Training” https://www.linkedin.com/learning/endnote-essential-training/welcome?u=49485105 3.
- “Survey Monkey Essential Training” https://www.linkedin.com/learning/surveymonkey-essential-training/welcome?u=49485105 4.
Surveys & Questionnaires for UX
Projects 5. Learning Design Research - https://www.linkedin.com/learning/learning-design-research/create-highly-effective-design-solutions?... 6. UX Research Methods: Interviewing 7. How to Succeed in a Case Study Interview 8.
Course – “SPSS for Academic Research” https://www.linkedin.com/learning/spss-for-academic-research/course-setup-and-the-exercise-files?u=49485105 9.
Course - “NVivo Essential Training” https://www.linkedin.com/learning/nvivo-2018-essential-training/welcome?u=49485105 10.
UX Deep Dive: Analysing Data 11.
Financial Functions in Depth https://www.linkedin.com/learning/excel-financial-functions-in-depth/perform-financial-analysis-in-excel?autoplay=true&u=49485105 12.
Analysis: Making Business Projections https://www.linkedin.com/learning/financial-analysis-making-business-projections/welcome?autoplay=true&u=49485105 13.
for Corporate Finance Professionals https://www.linkedin.com/learning/excel-for-corporate-finance-professionals/welcome?autoplay=true&u=49485105 14.
Analyzing and Visualizing Cash Flows https://www.linkedin.com/learning/excel-analyzing-and-visualizing-cash-flows/welcome?autoplay=true&u=49485105 2.
and produce an individual reflective portfolio for yourself This
process will require you to follow Gibbs’ (1988) 7 steps for deeper
demonstrate your
achievement of the certificates (provide evidence of the LinkedIn Learning
Course certificates) and explain the skill sets you have developed through
engaging in the learning process. ·
discuss your own
learning process; report your feelings, opinions, personal perspectives;
evaluate your genuine engagement with the LinkedIn Learning. ·
analyse how the
knowledge and skills acquired through LinkedIn Learning could be applied in
your research. ·
discuss how the
learning would contribute to your professional development and how they could
be applied in your future workplace. ·
recommendations of future action plans on your personal continuing
professional development
Date: 7th October 2022
E.g. Use LinkedIn Learning to improve skills
Please note:
This is an individual assignment, and what you put in the portfolio is up to you, depending on what LinkedIn Learning Courses and Certificates you have achieved, and what holistic educational learning experience you have encountered from this module.
This assignment will require a high level of reflective, critical and creative thinking and input, not a simply description of what has been completed.
Start noting down your experience and feelings as soon as you start engaging in the LinkedIn Learning Course and your module materials.
You must ensure that your work contains references to appropriate theories and produce evidence of critical think and reflection on your own learning and development. Your work must self-explanatory to the marking tutor.
It is also important that you demonstrate achievement of the assessment criteria.
Submission instructions:
· The deadline for the individual reflective portfolio submission is: Wednesday 4th January 2023 23:59
· Submissions should be made on Canvas.
Any specific
The HBS Grading Criteria (rubric) will evidence how
marks are awarded for individual parts of
the assignment i.e. Presentation and Structure, Intellectual Curiosity and Referencing, Content, Analysis, Discussion
Mark scheme:
Communication and Structure
Content (LinkedIn Learning Courses & Certificate)
Business Application (incl. Harvard Referencing)
Discussion & Analysis
Reflective Learning
Communication skills and structure
Content Topic (LinkedIn Learning Certificates)
Breadth / Depth / Integration of Literature
Analysis /Critical evaluation/ Discussion of recommendations
Reflective Learning
Task details
The portfolio to focus on both the inquiry and reflection
Demonstration and explanation of your
LinkedIn Learning and your skills
Integration & application of information to show insight to include a minimum of 4 sources
Line of argument, development of discussion/analysis to include future action
Discussion, review and completion of a personal plan for future research
90 - 100
Outstanding: exceptional communication skills. Extremely articulate and fluent; language is clear, concise and appropriate without grammatical errors.
Outstanding exploration of topic/question showing excellent knowledge and understanding through thorough and appropriate research.
Impressive choice and range of appropriate content.
Outstanding business insight and application.
Breadth, depth and integration of extremely wide variety of vital literature/data into work.
Outstanding level of discussion/analysis/ critical evaluation. Highly developed/ focused work with original and realistic recommendations for the future.
Outstanding level of thorough in-depth reflection undertaken and extremely valuable insights into the process of learning recorded. Clearly linked relevant future action plan included.
80 - 89
Excellent: extremely articulate and fluent; language is clear, concise and appropriate.
Only a couple of minor errors.
Excellent level of knowledge and understanding of topic/question demonstrated.
Evidence of appropriate research
Covers all relevant points and issues.
Excellent business insight and application.
Breadth, depth and integration of very wide variety of appropriate literature/data into work.
Excellent level of discussion/analysis/ critical evaluation clearly developing points in the appropriate way with thorough consideration of all possibilities.
Excellent reflective narrative with clear understanding of the process of learning. Clearly linked relevant future action plan included.
70 - 79
Very Good
Very good: fluent and clear communication with very few grammatical errors/ hesitations/ mistakes.
Very good level of knowledge and understanding of topic/question demonstrated.
Covers most relevant points and issues. Few errors / omissions in content/calculations.
Very good business insight and application. Breadth, depth and integration of a wide variety of literature/data into work.
Very good level of discussion/ analysis/ critical evaluation and appropriate recommendations. Few points need further development or evaluation/comparison.
Very Good reflective narrative, showing a clear level of understanding of the process of learning. Clearly linked relevant future action plan included.
60 - 69
Good, clear competent communication with mainly logical progression of thoughts but with some grammatical errors/hesitations /mistakes.
Good grasp of topic/question and some of its implications presented.
Knowledge and understanding is demonstrated. Minor errors / omissions in content/ calculations.
Good business insight and application.
Some variety of breadth, depth and integration of literature/data into work.
Good level of discussion/analysis/ critical evaluation and appropriate recommendations but more ideas/points could be addressed /developed further.
Good reflective narrative with understanding of the process of learning. A good level of reflection and changes/actions planned.
50 - 59
Clear Pass
Satisfactory: Basic appropriate communication skills in evidence but not always clearly expressed – in terms of correct grammar or use of words or delivery.
See CASE with feedback
Satisfactory: Basic content / level of knowledge of topic/question. Addresses part of the task - some errors / omissions/ misconceptions in content/ calculations. May benefit from further research.
Satisfactory business insight and application.
Limited integration with literature/ data. Use of literature/data but limited in breadth OR depth.
See Information Managers (LRC) with feedback
Satisfactory: Basic evidence of discussion/analysis/ critical evaluation and some recommendations. More development and comment needed on superficial points.
See CASE with feedback
Satisfactory: Simple record of content with some basic reflection. Some evidence of understanding of the process of learning having taken place and actions planned.
40 - 49
Marginal Fail
Weak: poor communication skills with a number of errors, hesitations and / or poor exchange of ideas.
Must see CASE with feedback
Weak: Limited content / knowledge/ calculations. Limited or muddled understanding of the topic/question. Does not meet all the learning outcomes.
Weak: Unsatisfactory evidence of business application and insight.
Work needs to show better links between practical application and theory.
Must see Information Managers (LRC) with feedback
Weak: Limited evidence of discussion/analysis/critical evaluation and/or recommendations. Development and comment needed rather than description. Must see CASE with feedback
Weak: Poor record of content or a simple diary with insufficient reflection or action planning.
20 – 39
Clear Fail
Inadequate communication skills. Very poor use of language, little fluency or logical progression of thought. Rambling speaking style.
Must see CASE with feedback
Inadequate: Lacking in relevant content/ knowledge/calculations. Content irrelevant / inaccurate. Does not meet all the learning outcomes.
Inadequate: Lacks evidence of business application and insight. Some literature irrelevant to topic.
Must see Information Managers (LRC) with feedback
Inadequate: Lacking / inadequate level of discussion/ analysis/critical evaluation and recommendations. Too anecdotal or descriptive.
Must see CASE with feedback
Inadequate or incomplete reflective work, or a descriptive diary without reflection on learning and/or action planning.
0 – 19
Little or Nothing of merit
Nothing of merit: Unsatisfactory, incomprehensible incomplete or inappropriate communication.
Must see CASE with feedback
Nothing of merit: Unsatisfactory level of knowledge demonstrated.
Content irrelevant / not appropriate to the topic. Does not meet the learning outcomes.
Nothing of merit: No evidence of appropriate business application and insight or use of literature.
Must see Information Managers (LRC) with feedback
Nothing of merit: No evidence of appropriate discussion/analysis/ critical evaluation and/or recommendations.
Must see CASE with feedback
Nothing of merit: Little or no attempt to submit appropriate log with reflection.
To achieve a higher grade, next time you need to… (Where to go?) Who can help?)
Academic Integrity, Plagiarism and Essay Mills
· You are NOT allowed to copy any information into your assignment without using quotation marks and a reference – this is ‘plagiarism’ (a type of academic misconduct).
· You are NOT allowed to copy from other students (or allow other students to copy from you) – this is ‘collusion’.
· You are NOT allowed to copy from your own assignments on other modules – this is ‘self-plagiarism’.
· You must NEVER buy assignments from websites (essay mills) – this is called ‘contract cheating’ and it is now illegal in the UK.
· If you commit academic misconduct, your mark will be reduced, and you will face disciplinary action for repeat offences.
Contact *This Text is Removed by Studyfull for Privacy & Security Purposes* if you are unsure of the rules or how to avoid academic misconduct, and you will receive help.
Student Support and Guidance
- For further help on module content and assignment details, contact your Module Leader in his or her drop-in / office hours or by email.
- Use the Learning Outcomes and HBS Grading Criteria (Rubric) to help inform you of the expectations of the assessment.
· Use CASE (Centre for Academic Skills Enhancement) website resources: http://go.herts.ac.uk/CASE . Attend CASE workshops and drop-ins to develop academic skills to meet HBS expectations (see timetable on CASE website homepage or drop-in to CASE in L064, in the LRC).
· Visit the Academic English for Business Programme Site for tips on developing your academic English and contact *This Text is Removed by Studyfull for Privacy & Security Purposes* if you have any questions.
· For help with Turnitin, look for the “Check your work (Turnitin Originality Report)” practice assignment in the Assignment section of all of your modules. For help with understanding plagiarism and how to make changes to your assignment, contact *This Text is Removed by Studyfull for Privacy & Security Purposes*.
· Use the Online Library to access quality business information resources:
o Library Search will help you find books, journal articles and more.
o Use the Subject Toolkit for Business to access to industry standard databases.
o Use Library SkillUP for guidance for searching and referencing.
o Get help: use SkilIUP module chat, visit the Study Success Hub, or book an 1:1 with a librarian.
The relevant HBS Grading Criteria (Rubric) for your assignment should be added as a table immediately below the assignment description. If you are unable to find the Grading Criteria (Rubric), please contact your Module Leader.