Nursing Research Evidence Based Practice
Question # 48070 | Health & Medical | 1 year ago |
$15 |
Think about a nursing situation that occurred in your practice with you as the nurse. Was there an unexpected outcome that could have been prevented? Did you wonder if something could have been different or if you could have done things differently?
For this assignment, you will identify and describe a Nursing Situation in which a problem is identified. The issue introduced will be one that you believe matters to and makes a difference for our patients. A nursing situation is an exchange between the nurse and the nursed (patient) where coming to know other occurs. Describe only one specific situation with a patient from your clinical practice. It must be nursing-care-related and patient-centered, not medical or organizational problems (no case studies).
You will then describe the nursing call (problem) in the last few sentences of your nursing situation. The call to nursing is the problem you as a nurse identified within the situation. How did you address the problem with this particular patient (this occurs during the experience between the nurse and patient). Please note: you are describing the co-experience of the nurse and the one being nursed and how your intentional interaction with the patient enhanced well-being for the one being nursed (remember, 'well-being' is subjective and how you perceive well-being may not be what others perceive as well-being; thus, keep an open mind).