EE483- Project 2: Image Effects Mascot Concept
Question # 48074 | Programming | 2 years ago |
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EE483- Image-Processing
Project 2: Image Effects Mascot Concept
Table of Contents
Grayscale....................................................................................................................................................................... 1
Rotation......................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Crop Image................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Mirror Image................................................................................................................................................................ 3
Oil Painting filter........................................................................................................................................................ 4
Pseudocoloring............................................................................................................................................................. 4
Name: Socheath Sok ID: 014470701 Class: EE 483, T/Th 2:00 - 3:15 pm
i = imread('tiger.png'); g = rgb2gray(i);
imshow(g); title('original');
Crop Image
%[J, rect] = imcrop(rot); imshow(J)
Mirror Image
flipim = (fliplr(J));
newImg = imfuse(J,flipim,'montage');
Oil Painting filter
op = colfilt(newImg,[7,7],'sliding',@mode); imshow(op)
g = 53/360;
cm = [ 0 0 0;0 0 0;g 0 0;0 0 0;0 0 0;
g 1 0.4 ;g 1 0.4 ;g 1 0.4 ;g 1 0.4 ;g 1 0.4 ;
g 1 0.4 ;g 1 0.4 ;g 1 0.4 ;g 1 0.4 ;g 1 0.4 ;
g 1 0.4 ;g 1 0.45 ; g 1 0.5 ;g 1 0.55 ;g 1 0.6 ;
g 1 0.65 ;g 1 0.7 ;g 1 0.75 ;g 1 0.8 ;g 1 0.85 ;
g 1 0.9 ;g 1 0.95 ;g 0.7 0.95 ;g 0.95 1 ; g 0.5 1 ;
0.13 0.3 .95 ; g 0.4 1 ];
[n s] = size(cm); t = n;
cmap = hsv2rgb(cm); [c,m] = gray2ind(op,t);
imshow(c,cmap); title('Final Image'); imwrite(c,cmap,'goldtiger.png');
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