Visual Diary: Formal Elements Visual Diary: Formal Elements
Question # 48133 | Accounting | 2 years ago |
$25 |
Your collection of photos must be visual representations of specific formal elements of art.
Your summary must identify the medium for each object/image and the formal element for each object/image. Follow the instructions below for the introduction and step by step instructions.
1. Now that you have analyzed these objects in your life, and identified how they relate to our collective Visual Culture (based on the list above and this module), start taking photos of just one formal element (line, light & value, texture & pattern, shape & volume/form, chance, color, time, movement) of your collection using the principles of design/composition (balance, rhythm, proportion & scale, unity).
Explain (in text or video) how your images in the collection are examples of the visual element/s that you are describing and what parts of our visual culture these images belong to.
In other words; if you are showing us images with the visual element of line, make sure to describe how each image/object creates line, etc. Do the same for medias; be very clear and obvious in your descriptions :)
2. After you have collected 9-12 examples of your selected element, make a visual diary of all you have found.
Explain (in text or video) how your images in the collection are examples of the visual element/s that you are describing and what parts of our visual culture these images belong to.
In other words; if you are showing us images with the visual element of line, make sure to describe how each image/object creates line, etc. Do the same for medias; be very clear and obvious in your descriptions :)