assignment help [ need quality work please its very important assignment]
Question # 48318 | Writing | 1 year ago |
$20 |
Assignment 1 Guidance
The first assignment is due on April 27th and I thought that some guidance might help you prepare. The first thing to remember is that it is 1000 words long (it can be + or - 10% so anywhere between 900-1100 words. The reference list is not included in the word count, but everything in the body of the text is, including in-text citations. Anything that is in an appendix is not counted.
The assignment is asking you to select a critical incident drawn from your experience of coaching or mentoring and analyse it against a model of reflection such as Tripp's critical incident analysis or similar. There are many ways to approach this task, so I offer a structure below as a suggestion only. You are free to respond to the task any way you feel fit, as long as you are addressing the learning outcomes, so don't feel obliged to use this structure:
What is a 'critical incident'?
'A critical incident need not be a dramatic event: (It may look very inconsequential to others and you may not have deemed it critical at the time) usually it is an incident which has significance for you- this significance may be apparent at the time of the incident or following your reflection. It is often an event which:
1. Made you stop and think,
2. One that raised questions for you.
3. It may have made you question an aspect of your beliefs, values, attitude or behaviour.
4. It is an incident which in some way has had an impact on your personal and professional learning and/or on your teaching.
In a teaching mentoring situation, a critical incident might include:
· an aspect of mentoring that went particularly well
· an aspect of mentoring that proved difficult
· a mentoring/coaching relationship that you found particularly demanding
· a mentoring situation which increased your awareness, or challenged your understanding, of social justice issues e. g. Equality and diversity issues
· an incident involving conflict, hostility, aggression or criticism. This may concern a colleague or a learner.
Critical incidents may relate to issues of communication, knowledge, treatment of and by others, culture, professional or personal relationships, emotions or beliefs.
Critical incident analysis
When analysing a critical incident, it is useful to ask yourself questions such as:
· What are the key elements of the situation?
· Why do I view the situation like that?
· Would it be viewed the same way by others?
· What assumptions have I made about the student, colleague, problem or situation?
· How else could I interpret the situation?
· What other action could I have taken that might have been more helpful?
· What will I do if I am faced with a similar situation in the future?
You may find it helpful to discuss these points with someone you can trust – or you may prefer to jot down your thoughts. By structuring your responses around the bullet points above, you are distancing yourself slightly from the issue. This may help you to think more clearly and less emotionally about the best way to address whatever situation you are considering.'
The last two points can be touched on briefly, but will form the basis of your assignment 2.
With only around 1000 words at your disposal you need to be focused on the issue and avoid description other than the minimum to explain the context. (If you deem the description of the critical incident to be vital to your analysis then it can go in an appendices, it is a waste of words otherwise) You should focus on the command words in the assignment title - 'critical reflection.' In doing this draw upon your reading so far, but don't include lengthy direct quotations otherwise you will run out of words very
quickly. Instead, paraphrase an author's argument. Use the strategies that you used to write assignments for the critical thinking module) Be Critical not descriptive/ analyse don’t describe!!)
An important point to note is that the incident you identify for critical analysis in this first assignment will be used as the basis for your second assignment too. The emphasis in this first assignment is on identifying and critically reflecting on (as in looking back on) its significance. When you come to the second assignment you will use it as the basis of a critical analysis against the key theories and models in order to develop your own approach to mentoring or coaching and thus the emphasis is much more on forward looking (as in based on my experience I will do this differently in the future).