Assignment Details Dramatic Imagination: The Performing Arts in society
Question # 48337 | Writing | 1 year ago |
$15 |
Assignment Details Dramatic Imagination: The Performing Arts in society
This paper is an opportunity to reflect on your work in this class.
It is due Monday, 5/1 @ 1:59 PM via Canvas.
First, look at the learning goals listed in our syllabus:
1. Describe and evaluate a wide variety of theater productions using appropriate terminology; 2. Articulate a personal aesthetic regarding theater, and relate and connect it to specific productions; 3. Execute a basic script analysis in the manner of a theater artist; 4. Recognize and interpret a play in its social, historical and cultural context.
In your essay, reflect on those four goals and your ability to meet them at the start of the semester vs. where you are now. Address the goals individually, and use evidence from our semester to bolster your claims. Refer to your own writing, if you'd like, and the online discussions you had with your classmates. Refer to the shows we saw and how they spoke to you. Be as specific as you can be.
The paper must be at least 4 pages, double spaced, size 12 font with standard margins. Your grade will be reduced for spelling or grammar errors. More evidence and depth of insight/reflection is better for this paper. Papers with low levels of thought, insight, reflection, and evidence will be marked down accordingly. Conversely, richly insightful papers with crystal clear references to work we did and shows we saw over the semester will be given higher grades.
If you have any questions, just let me know and I'll be happy to help!
Remember, too, that ate submissions will not be accepted for this projer., and that this project is 10% of your total grade.