Assignment Details Dramatic Imagination: The Performing Arts in society
Question # 48338 | Writing | 1 year ago |
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Assignment Details Dramatic Imagination: The Performing Arts in society
Hello, all, and welcome to week seven! This week, there's no major project due--just your regular chapter and show responses. I hope everyone is hanging in there. We're in the home stretch now!
This week's chapter is all about public outreach--the ways in which a theatre company engages with the public outside of the normal audience/storyteller relationship. There's a lot that goes into keeping a theatre afloat, and a big part of that is building and maintaining relationships with the community, as some of you learned while doing your personnel paper research.
For your chapter response this week, I want you to look at the marketing Theatre Exile, a local theatre company, did for their recent production of On the Exhale, a show you are now familiar with. Once you're done your research, do a one-page profile/summary of the work that theatre did to promote the show when they offered it. When working on this summary, look for:
• Information on the theatre's website.
o Not just info about the show, but info about the groups the theatre partnered with if the theatre did partner with someone. For example, the chapter mentions a show once that involved dogs, so the theatre partnered with a local shelter, giving both the theatre and the shelter higher visibility. Did Exile have any similar partnerships? • Press releases from the theatre.
• The theatre's social media -- Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.
• Ads the theatre ran in newspapers or on blogs.
• Videos the theatre posted to YouTube or similar.
Once you've found this or similar information, determine who the theatre's audience is and whether or not their marketing materials are a good fit for that audience.
To summarize, you have two tasks: research Exile's outreach around On the Exhale and then determine whether or not that marketing is a good fit for whoever you perceive to be Exile's primary audience.
Google will be your friend for this assignment. Press releases, social media posts, etc., are all out there to be found, so long as you search.
As stated above, aim for about a page--500 - 600 words.