Question # 48339 | Writing | 1 year ago |
$5 |
Assignment Details Dramatic Imagination: The Performing Arts in society
Our last show discussion together! How bittersweet, but also, how accomplished you all must feel. This semester, you watched a bunch of wildly different shows and wrote excellently about all of them, all while navigating the challenges of the COVID pandemic and the upheaval it has caused. You've worked hard, and it's been a pleasure reading your work.
This week, you do not have a specific prompt, other than a word count:
Write 200 words about She Loves Me. You can write 200 words about whatever you want. Write a miniature review. Talk about Aristotle's six elements. Talk about some connection you saw between the play and something your read either in your chapter readings or things I posted, or talk about how this show connects to other shows you saw this semester. You can also write about how this show connects to the world and society at large. Or, something completely different. You call the shots on this one.
Whatever you write about, it must be informed, and grammatically sound. Do not just freely riff for 200 words, do not just say you liked or disliked the show. I am still looking for the same level of depth that I usually am, but I'm letting you decide what you want to write about.
Then, pick two classmates and write responses to their posts, 75 words each. Riff on whatever it is they've chosen to write. Disagree, agree, offer another viewpoint, etc., just be sure to meet them where they are. Try and respond to someone who you haven't responded to yet this semester.
I look forward to reading your responses.