Healthcare Administration Essay
Question # 48340 | Health & Medical | 1 year ago |
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Essay about Breast And Prostate Cancer or all cancer in general .
Your final assignment is a reflective essay on one or more of the current issues posted either by you or other students. The essay should be two pages, single-spaced with 12-point font in Times New Roman, and properly cited using APA style, especially within the body of the text. When citing an author, use APA style within the text, e.g., (Brown, 2014) immediately after the
statement/statistic, or at the end of the sentence and within the punctuation mark, e.g., (Brown, 2014). You may also say something like this: According to Brown (2014)…..the differences were not statistically significant. Then, in the references give the entire source precisely as shown here: Brown, S (2014). Title of article. Journal of Cool Stuff; 4(2), p.3-7.
If the source is from a Web site, then use this APA-style format: Brown, Samuel. (April 5, 2020) – or if there is no readily ascertainable date (n.d.) – Adverse pulmonary effects of vaping. Retrieved November 30, 2020, from
Begin the essay with the title and your name at the top of the first page followed by a short background paragraph introducing the topic, this will be followed by the main body of your piece in which you present facts, ideas, and thoughts about the topic. Complete the two pages with a good summary statement then add your references as p. 3, which should be at least six in number. In essence, this will be your final exam and will be worth 50 points. Since this is a writing course, one point will be deducted for each grammatical or citation error. Avoid losing points by using spell check, careful proofreading, and use of APA-style citations.