4LAW2005-0905-2022 - Constitutional Principles of the UK and EU
Question # 48348 | Law | 1 year ago |
$25 |
Coursework 2: Problem Question
This is a placeholder for the final assessment.
‘Important note: The assignment you submit on your canvas account must be your own work which you have planned and written independently. For further advice on academic integrity and/or how to use Turnitin, consult the LLB academic integrity page.’
The Final Assessment
The final assessment will take place on Tuesday 2nd May 2022. It will be open for 12 hours from 9am until 9pm.
The expected completion time for the assessment is 2hrs 15mins.
Further information for the problem will be released at 12:00 (noon)
The assessment grade is worth 40% of the overall module grade
The assignment must be submitted as a Single Word document in Arial font size 11 and in double line spacing.
The overall page limit is 5 pages (including footnoted references). A bibliography is not necessary, but references to relevant cases on text are.
check attached file for more details