MED7326 Assessment Brief CW2
Question # 48362 | Writing | 1 year ago |
$30 |
Module Title: Strategic Communication for Social Change Module Leader: Philip Young
Module Code:
Academic Year:
Assessment No.:
This Assessment accounts for 30% of the overall assessment for the module.
Communications Challenge
You must identify a specific communications challenge faced by a named social change organisation. It is likely, but not obligatory, that the same organisation will be the focus for both the case study and the challenge proposal.
Examples of suitable challenges might be difficulties in reaching a particular target audience, reputational challenges that hinder effectiveness, unappealing messaging and terminology, etc. Again, it is likely that the issue will have emerged from the critical analysis included in assignment one, the case study report.
Acting as either an in-house PR or an account executive for a PR Agency you must devise strategies and tactics that will address the identified challenge. You will do this in a professionally produced document that can be presented to the client or senior management of your organisation. This document will briefly set the context, identify the issue, summarise relevant research, and give a clear rationale for the approach you are suggesting. Although you need to source any statistics or sector information this document is not likely to include academic references.
There is no word count for this assignment but the document should be between 10 and 12 pages long, in A4 size and designed to be professional and persuasive.
The assessment will be discussed in class on several occasions and examples of previous submissions will be made available on Moodle.
The submission deadline is 3pm on the submission date.
Upload to Moodle in PDF or Word format. You must also include a coversheet in your submission.