Criminology Review 1000
Question # 48489 | Law | 1 year ago |
$40 |
This assignment involves reviewing 1 criminal justice problem in Australia (Kathleen Folbigg's case). A criminal justice problem refers to something (a singular or trending event) that exposes something wrong or inadequate with the criminal justice system.
You will write a 1,000-word review containing two parts using 8 scholarly sources (attached) and 4 media articles (like newspaper etc):
Part 1 - Context (300 words)
This section will document the nature and extent of the criminal justice problem. DON'T DESCRIBE THE PROBLEM.
Step 1: Select a criminal justice problem in Australia - Kathleen Folbigg case
Step 2: Research the criminal justice problem- Kathleen Folbigg. Use news media to establish the facts of the problem (who, what, when, where, etc.), and consult academic literature that identifies why these problems occur and what causes them.
Step 3: Explain the nature and extent of the criminal justice problem with Kathleen Folbigg's case. You should outline what happened and what went wrong.
It is expected that you will rely on news media in the construction of this section.
You may consider the following questions to help address this:
- Who was impacted by the problem?
- What is the nature of the problem?
- How is this problem harmful for the criminal justice system?
- What issues does this cause?
- How big or small is the problem?
- Who are the key players?
Part 2 - Identification of Issues (700 words)
This section will review the criminal justice problem you selected. You will answer the following key question: What are the issues that cause Kathleen Folbigg's case that leads to a criminal justice problem?
Step 4: Select 3–4 media sources directly related to Kathleen Folbigg's criminal justice problem. Note: You are advised to identify 3–4 key issues so that each can be explored with appropriate detail and depth.
Step 5: Identify and describe the key issues associated with the problem that is identified within this literature.
For example with Kathleen Folbigg issues were:
- issue 1: Interpretation of Evidence-her Diary Entries
- issue 2:Circumstantial nature of the Evidence
- issue 3: Scientific Validity of Expert Testimony/Medical advances and changing
- issue 4: Review and Fresh Examination
- issue 5: Public Perception and Media influence
****Please find references attached- I have also attached some of the PDF's - HOWEVER, please still find 4 media articles.**** IF you need the other PDF's let me know- i could only attach some of it***
****I have also attached a copy of a previous paper which was done for your reference as to what a Review paper looks like.....PLEASE DON'T COPY THIS - as the topic is not the same. ******