Critical Thinking
Question # 48497 | Psychology | 1 year ago |
$15 |
1.What would be the good and bad outcomes to decriminalizing all drugs?
Potential starting point: Should recreational marijuana be made legal in all states? Why or why not? Should there be age restrictions on the legal availability of marijuana? If so, what age and why?
2. What about alternative/ off-label uses of prescription drugs? Is this OK, or not OK? And Why?
Potential starting point: Some are making the argument that psychostimulants like Ritalin or Adderall should be legal to buy without a prescription. What would be the pros and cons of being able to buy these drugs over the counter? What might be some potential broader implications of making prescription drugs available for purchase?
3. Reflecting on your response to the prior questions, should researchers continue testing psychedelics and other illegal drugs for their possible role in the treatment of depression, PTSD, substance abuse, or anxiety? What do you think are potential problems with these lines of research?
provide evidence (i.e. citations) to back-up your response. Minimum of 500 words.