Advance Health Assessment
Question # 48556 | Health & Medical | 1 year ago |
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Please review the rubric for the complete instructions for this assignment.
S - Write a focused history based on the chief complaint and include the 7 characteristics of a symptom, pertinent medical histories, review of systems (2 points) O - Document findings of physical examination (2 points) A - Give 3 differential diagnoses - three possible diagnoses (with codes) based on history and physical (3 points) Keep in mind the 3 differential diagnoses should directly be related to the CC and the HPI. The problem list would include the patient's other co-morbidities. Give a scholarly defense of the ONE diagnosis that you chose. P - Plan of care, including both pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments, any diagnostic tests ordered, health promotion, and problem list. (3 points) Problem List: 1. diagnosis from this visit 2. any other co-morbidities (from the medical history)Will upload the rubric and Video