CW3 - Digital Presentation of the Findings, Analysis and Conclusion (50%)
Question # 48655 | Writing | 1 year ago |
$45 |
You have details all at this link you did draft for me here:
now i need final presentation, please check draft copy feedback below carefully.
bro, in CW1 and CW2 i only got 50% marks, it on border but now please in CW3 i need high marks , i don't want to fail. please read draft feedback and carefully, and follow instructions and previous student sample here is link of sample previous student :
add screen clipping properly and clear image and highlighted text must readable.
Also add link with references where to get this.
also professor is saying there is high percentage of plagiarism, bro plagiarized work is not acceptable. i need original and plagiarism free work.
please follow marking criteria bro, make it professional and presentable. please take care of me for this time. please help me to get high marks in this, i don't want to fail i can't not affordable that please