Hi Everyone,
This week we are looking at what type of questions we, as comparative politics examine, what makes a good theory in explaining these questions, and how to set up a research design. You have looked at two famous studies "Why Nations Fail" and "Guns, Germs, and Steel" which use the comparative method to attempt to provide answers to big and difficult questions, specifically why are some countries more successful than others.
For this discussion I want you to look at Acemoglu and Robinson's Why Nations Fail and identify what are the variables of the study? The Dependent Variable is the political phenomena being explained and the independent variables are those factors that explain the specific political phenomena (outcome). In other words what explains the differences in outcomes (wealth, development, rule of law, etc). Do you agree with their argument overall, why or why not?
For your discussion you are to post your initial response and follow this up with a minimum of two responses to your colleagues posts. You have until September 3, 2023 at 11:59pm to finish the discussion. Remember, debate, disagree, agree, argue!