Question # 48720 | English | 1 year ago |
$7 |
Step 2: Answer the following questions
- Which of Admiral McRaven's stories stood out to you the most? Why?
- In what way did the stories help to convey a greater impact on the audience?
- Admiral McRaven's first suggestion is to be aware that "the little things matter," but he also includes a story to support what he means. What do you think the difference would have been if he had just read a list of suggestions to the audience without the stories?
- If you had the opportunity to share with a younger group of people a list of three suggestions, to make their lives and the lives of others better, that you have learned in the last five years, what would they be? Can you think of brief stories that would show those things?
Step 3: Reply to 2 other students' posts by answering the following questions.
- Was there a particular experience that you connected to in some way?
- Did a particular unique element of one of his/her stories make you think in a new way?
- Did any of his/her stories initially seem very different, but then you saw some similarities to your own experiences?