Question # 48745 | History | 1 year ago |
$7 |
Choose one photograph (from Photographic Matters) to write about, commenting upon the aspects of photography described in the presentation.
What is going on in this picture you chose? What is the story YOU see in the photograph? Why this image is impactful to you?
Photographs speak to individuals in many different ways, and pique interest or fascination to draw a viewer to spend more time looking. Facts are not always what they seem in photographs, so the personal experience of each viewer always comes in to play when interpreting or decoding images.
Write 500 words (2-3 paragraphs) in which you identify the photographer and title of the image, as well as points of interest that draw you to pick this particular photograph. Comment specifically on aspects of photography like The Thing Itself, The Detail, The Frame, The Vantage Point, and Time.
Express what you find significant or interesting about the image, talking about light and composition using considerations and terminology which were presented in Aspects of Photography. Describe Light, Focus and Color in terms of impact or effectiveness in this particular photographic context.
Use standard grammar, punctuation and structure which is appropriate to this course.
No "styles" or citations necessary, just your own "voice", opinions and thoughts.