Question # 48776 | English | 1 year ago |
$5 |
To read more critically and think about what you are reading so you can effectively quote it in an essay.
This is the second time you are doing this assignment, so look at the first one that I graded to see what my comments were and if or why you may have lost points on it. Then make the corrections so you do not lose points this time.
Read 5 Things Not to Put on Your Resume
Select three quotes , and fill in the Metacognitive Reading Log with the quotes cited correctly in quotation marks with citations on the left, and your interpretation of those quotes on the right. Example: "Quote" (Oswaks 2). Remember the period or comma go after the citation not at the end of the quote.
This must be typed and follow the format of the Metacognitive Reading Log, with three quotes on the left, and your reaction/interpretation on the right. If you can't write on the log itself, just organize it so I can clearly see the quotes, in quotation marks and cited correctly (author's last name and page number) and then your interpretation. If you don't use the attached form, make sure you put the header (your last name and page 1) in the upper right 1/2 inch from the top margin, and on the left, 1 inch from the top margin, in four lines going down the page: your full name, my name: Prof B or Miss B is fine, English 120, then the date due. Double space every line, then center the title. Then put the quotes and interpretations on the left margin. These are quotes you may use in your career essay to support your thesis.