Healthcare Assignment [ 1 page ]
Question # 48785 | Health & Medical | 1 year ago |
$5 |
Assignment to complete questions
-questions have to come from a group point of view not a personal pov.
answer these 3 questions
1. Aaron Alexis, a former Navy reservist who went on a shooting rampage and killed 12 people at the Washington Navy Yard in Washington, D.C., had a history of mental instability, but he was carrying a valid security clearance. How would you suggest managers make decisions for issuing or revoking security clearances to prevent this kind of catastrophe?
2. Managers at Gap Inc., a once-popular retail chain, are reported to have made a series of decisions that hurt the company: They expanded so rapidly that the chain lost touch with customers; they tried to copy the successful approach of rivals rather than charting their own course; they cut quality to reduce costs; they shifted from one fashion approach to another as each one failed to appeal to customers; and so on. What techniques would you recommend that Gap managers use to improve the quality of their decisions?
8. List some possible advantages and disadvantages of using artificial intelligence technology for managerial decision-making.
Use Times New Roman 12 font
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