research paper step 6
Question # 48902 | English | 1 year ago |
$4 |
Please write the thesis statement, topic sentences, and evidence you plan to include in your essay--no paragraphs, just sentences.
Please write in complete sentences.
You will need to include the thesis statement and the information for at least 4 body paragraphs, one of which must be a counter-argument paragraph.
Complete your outline using this sample outline.
I look forward to reading your outline!
Grading Criteria:
When creating your outline, keep in mind that points will be assigned for the following:
- Clearly stated thesis with a subject and argument
- Clearly stated topic sentences for all body paragraphs (at least 4 body paragraphs, one of which needs to be the counter-argument paragraph)
- Topic sentences are general statements with NO details
- Evidence clearly supports the topic sentences (at least two direct quotes per body paragraph)
- Complete, correctly written sentences
Advanced Outline Student Example: (Thesis and 1 Body Paragraph)
**Please note: Your outline will have the thesis statement and at least 4 body paragraphs (one of which needs to be the counter-argument paragraph).
Thesis: Although the statue has received backlash from the community, the Cardiff Kook should not be removed from its location since it plays an important role in reflecting the past and present concerns of Cardiff-by-the-Sea.
Topic Sentence for Body Paragraph #1: Although the town had a strong dislike for it, they could not vandalize the statue. Instead the town decided to deal with the undesired art piece by dressing it up with different goofy costumes.
Evidence #1:
Jonathan Horn, of the San Diego Union Tribune, illustrates, “Around 3 a.m. July 24, a team of 20 jokesters pieced together a papier-mache shark that appeared to be swallowing the surfer” (Horn).
Evidence #2:
Horn states, “Encinitas public works department employees rescued the Cardiff Kook from the claws of a pterodactyl Monday morning. Pranksters attached the flying dinosaur along with a full-on Jurassic display in the wee hours Saturday morning."
Evidence #3:
According to ABC News, “The "Cardiff Kook" statue was dressed on Sunday to help a 14-year-old boy battling a rare bone cancer called Ewing's Sarcoma. The statue's latest costume -- which included balloons and large playing cards -- was to draw attention to a fundraiser for the family of 14-year-old George Terris, which is now dealing with mounting medical bills” (