Healthcare Administration assignment
Question # 48949 | Health & Medical | 10 months ago |
$5 |
1 page essay
Within this folder are nine Global Health issues. You are to select only one of the health issues for your Problem-Solving task. I encourage you to open all of them and read the descriptive narrative to decide which problem you would like to work on. Research and devise a plan to accomplish your tasks using the Problem-Solving Process outline I have provided. I will produce an example and a template soon. In the meantime, identify a problem & begin to think about how you want to work through it.
You are in a Public Health internship at a clinic in South Texas. The clinic administrator has asked you to compare the rates of diabetes in the area surrounding the clinic. She also wants you to devise a public education program for local residents.
The burden of diabetes in the Americas is significant and increasing, especially in Latin America and the Caribbean. Diabetes is the fourth leading cause of disability and death in those regions. Population-based interventions such as informative food labeling, community exercise programs or facilities, and health education programs to inform of the risk of diabetes have been the best options to date. Policies to help avoid weight gain and improve dietary quality are paramount.
An essential aspect of monitoring and managing diabetes is to improve access to quality care within the healthcare systems. This should include the universal availability of low-cost insulin and oral glucose-lowering agents. Health systems should also strive to furnish feedback to providers to help orient diabetes care.
You are in health professions graduate school internship at the Nuestra Clinica Del Valle in Donna, Texas. The rate of diabetes is rampant among the citizens of the area. The clinic administrator asks you to collect data regarding the rates of diabetes. You are instructed to devise a public education program to prevent the disease. The clinic physicians have asked that you prepare a plan to help patients manage the disease.
Your Tasks:
- Record the rates of diabetes in the area, and compare them to other parts of Texas.
- Plan a high-school program to introduce students to the risk factors that cause or indicate diabetes.
- Devise a patient education agenda for diabetes management that the clinic nurses deliver to patients.