Professional experience presentation narration outline
Question # 48952 | English | 1 year ago |
$10 |
The Professional Experience assignments in this course are designed to help prepare you for communicating in a professional work setting. When you are writing in the workplace, it is essential to:
- Follow any specific directions you receive.
- Consider who it is you are communicating with.
- Consider what your overall purpose in communication is.
To earn full credit, make sure you complete all assignment requirements and follow the instructions exactly as written. See the scoring guide rubric for specific grading criteria.
If you submit your Professional Experience assignment before the due date and you are not satisfied with your grade, you may resubmit one time for an opportunity for full credit points. Check with your professor for the resubmission deadline.
Last week, you created a PowerPoint presentation; next week, you will practice recording narration for a presentation, and in Week 9 you will submit your final presentation with recorded narration. For this week's Professional Experience, you will create a narration outline for your final recorded presentation. You may use the narration outline template provided or create your own.
- Download and review the Narration Outline Template [DOCX].
- Save the outline template to your desktop using the following file name format:
- LastName_PE4_[FILE TYPE].[file extension]
- Example file name: Smith_PE4_DOC.docx
- LastName_PE4_[FILE TYPE].[file extension]
- Review the outline guidelines that you will use to create an outline.
- Use the template provided to develop your narration outline.
- Include these key elements:
- Slide number.
- Slide title.
- Slide content.
- Narrative.
- You may use the provided Narration Outline Template [DOCX] or create a similar template in another software.
- Write short bullet points, not long paragraphs, in the Narration column of the Narration Outline Template.
- Focus only on the key points presented on the slides of your presentation.
- Remember that the content should focus on how social media can be leveraged to help an organization improve in areas such as sales, performance, culture, and positive image.
- Save all the changes you made to your Presentation Narration Outline with the file name of LastName_PE4_ [FILE TYPE].[file extension].
- Submit the file below by the deadline, using the Submit Assignment link.