HESC7020 Component 3 for Dissertation [4500 words]
Question # 48967 | Writing | 1 year ago |
$100 |
You already did component 1 research proposal here: https://www.studyfull.com/question/48394/research-proposal-1800-words
and Introduction and Methods https://www.studyfull.com/question/48722/hesc7020-dissertation-component-2-start-introduction-and-me... [you have zip file here for comolete details]and literature review and Results incl. Cri https://www.studyfull.com/question/48870/hesc7020-dissertation-component-2-literature-review-and-res...
and final component 2 copy here : https://www.studyfull.com/question/48945/hesc7020-please-complete-component-2-for-dissertation
Component 3
Appendix - 4500 words pass / fail
The third assessment is an appendix about 4500 words that you submit in one file with your thesis paper. The appendix will include a data summary sheet for each paper. It will also include the critical appraisal information, structured by the critical appraisal framework that you are using, for each paper that you reviewed. This assessment will be marked as pass/fail.
The data summary sheet needs to address:
- Full reference (does not count towards word count)
- Method used in paper
- Main findings that are relevant to your literature review
- Summary of critical appraisal (scientific strengths and weaknesses of the paper