Advance Holistic Nursing
Question # 48986 | Health & Medical | 1 year ago |
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Develop a reflective essay (no less than 2 pages) of a personal and professional growth to meet the following objectives. The summation should be a very thoughtful and introspective expression of an advanced holistic nurse committed to the core value of self-care. Be mindful self-care practice is a deep perspective of what it means to accept the act of caring (for self, other, environment) and not simply an adherence to a modality. Be especially aware that a nursing situation is a space created between the nurse and the nursed and is not diagnosis/treatment dependent. The ability to express the energy created within the space requires deep thought. Citations are discouraged. If you use a citation it must be specific and substantiated to support your statement. A citation must be from a peer reviewed source and represent scholarly literature. No direct quotes and the page number must be included. No textbooks.
1.Being competent a. Recognize persons as unitary human beings and their patterns of health as foundational to understating advanced holistic nursing. Describe your personal and professional recognition of persons as unitary human beings.
2. Demonstrating comportment a. Develop a reflective practice to understand of the human capacities of caring for self, persons and environment. Discuss how your reflections have affected your perceptions of what it means to care for self, persons and the environment.
3. Attending to conscience a. Recognize the obligatory opportunity to create a healing environment for self, & other to promote healing. Articulate your ah ha moments of awareness.
4. Affirming commitment
a. Sustain ongoing development of caring for self to support reflective practice.
b. Consider research and evidence in holistic nursing that supports best practices. Delineate
your actions to adhere to self-care practices for self, other, environment.