5LAW2010 -Life in the Law: Career and Personal Development [2 pages]
Question # 49037 | Law | 1 year ago |
$12 |
ACE Self Reflection report
Students who did not attend ACE must not submit work as it will not be marked.
Important note: The assignment you submit on your canvas account must be your own work which you have planned and written independently. For further advice on academic integrity and/or how to use Turnitin, consult the LLB academic integrity page
Please read carefully.
This assessment is worth 30% of your final mark for this module.
Please look at the weightings for each part and the mark scheme here: MARK SCHEME-2.ACE 02.10.23.docxDownload MARK SCHEME-2.ACE 02.10.23.docx
Your maximum page limit for the whole assessment is 2 pages
Part 1
Choose one of the activities that you undertook at ACE- either the Group Exercise or your Interview. Looking at the assessor feedback you received for your chosen activity, do you agree with their comments? Explain your position and reflect on what they have said, adding your own comments about what you did or did not do.
Take note of the following:
• You should reflect on the assessor comments not simply repeat them
• You must include specific examples of what you did, as follows:
Group Exercise
o When and how did you prepare for the group exercise?
o Did you offer your views to any suggestions made in the group exercise?
o What were your strengths and weaknesses in this group activity?
o When and how did you prepare for the interview?
o Did you ask the interviewer any questions?
o What were your strengths and weaknesses in the interview?
Part 2
Did ACE match up to your expectations? Explain whether it did or did not and say why this is so. What personal development targets have you set yourself?
Attach to your self-reflective report, copies of your personal ACE assessor feedback sheets- one for your interview activity and one for your group activity (total 2 x feedback sheets). Copies of complete documents are required- not just extracts or partial feedback sheets.
Your report and attachments must be uploaded as one document. However, the attachments will not count towards your maximum page count.
No bibliography is required
No referencing is needed
How to submit:
The assignment itself must be submitted as a Word document in Arial font size 11 and in double line spacing.
This assessment is not anonymised as it is a requirement of the assessment that you identify yourself and attach a copy of your ACE assessor feedback sheets with your name clearly showing.
Your student registration number and module name should appear on every page of your essay and each page should be numbered. This is best achieved by use of the header and footer tool. You are also required to put your student registration number and module title in the file name of your assignment when submitting on Canvas (e.g. Life.in.the.Law.5law2010.ACEreport.doc)
Maximum Length-2 PAGES
You must not attempt to circumvent the page limit by using a different font or changing the line spacing or margins.
Page limits will be strictly applied as you are being assessed on your ability to produce a self-reflective report within a proscribed format. Do not exceed the page limit in relation to your answer. Markers will not mark any work that appears beyond the prescribed number of pages and you will not be given any credit for the additional pages.
Please also read important information about assessments generally, here: : LLB Assessment Template 2023-2024 V2.docx Download : LLB Assessment Template 2023-2024 V2.docx
Video : First coursework guidance - how to write your ACE self reflection report. https://youtu.be/Z3X86p94rE4
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