5LAW2003-0905-2023 - CRIMINAL LAW ASSIGNMENT Video Presentation
Question # 49093 | Law | 1 year ago |
$25 |
Please see the attached documents for the details of your assessment - please read them carefully!
You are required to submit a 10 minute presentation based on EITHER of the Talking Points in the criminal schedule, and a bibliography to be uploaded through the canvas portal. The bibliography should be compliant with the OSCOLA system of referencing and can be a word document or a Powerpoint slide(s).
You can use Powerpoint slides, but the marker needs to see your face at all times, so if you choose to use Powerpoints, this should be borne in mind.
You will not get credit for repeating information given to you in the lecture – this is about YOUR RESEARCH into one of these issues.
Talking point 1 – Criminal speech
Talking point 2 – Possession offences
This piece of coursework is worth 30% of your criminal module final grade. Your presentation will be worth 80% of this mark and your bibliography 20%.
Dear Student
Please read the guidance below carefully.
Your first assessment will be a video assessment where you will be asked to show your understanding and research for apply your legal knowledge to a controversial issue in criminal law. You will be required to identify key legal issues and apply your knowledge and research to make a clear and interesting informational video.
The assessment is worth 30% of the overall module mark. Please see the grading criteria under the assignments unit.
The length of your video submission must be between 8 minutes (minimum) and 10 minutes (maximum). Please state your student ID number (not your name) at the start of your recording.
There are a variety of ways in which you can choose to record and submit your video:
1) You can submit your video via Canvas (to do this, you will need to film your video on any device, and upload to Canvas). [NB: It is recommended that you use either Google Chrome or Edge browsers when you upload. If you get a message that your file is too large to upload, please use the You Tube option below instead]
2) You can record your video via YouTube and upload the link to Canvas. Note this should be an unlisted YouTube video so only those with a link, i.e. you and the marker, will be able to view the video, not the public.
Technical instructions and guidance can be found here: Online Library / Library SkillUp / Digital skills - video presentation and also here: Student Quick Guide You Tube.
As this is a video presentation, you will need access to both a camera and microphone to record your video submission (NB: you are NOT required to include slides or written material for this assignment). If needed, you can find details about how to access UH IT equipment as well as technical assistance from UH Student Technology mentors via the Library SkillUp module on the Online Library.
We strongly advise you to ensure you upload your video in advance of the deadline (as this is a video, it will take much longer than a normal word document to upload.
Before you undertake this assessment, please look at this guide on academic misconduct to refresh your memory: Academic Misconduct Offences Explained