MED7362 PR Theory and Context Assessment No.:2 [Research Paper]
Question # 49100 | Writing | 1 year ago |
$50 |
Research paper Approved topic is:
"The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Public Relations: Opportunities and Ethical Concerns."
Assessment Brief Details
Module Title: PR Theory and Context
Module Leader:
Philip Young
Credit Value:
Module Code:
Academic Year:
Assessment No.:
This Assessment accounts for 70% of the overall assessment for the module.
Assessment Title
Research Paper
Core TaskPrepare and submit a research paper in the format of a scholarly article suitable for a peer-reviewed journal. The paper should apply a theoretical and critical perspective to an issue or debate pertinent to contemporary PR activity and seek to provide new insights through a case study analysis. The title of your paper must be discussed and negotiated with the module tutor. A successful submission will be tightly focused on an answerable research question. The paper must be fully referenced in Harvard style and make significant use of academic texts.
Length: 2,500 words (+/- 10% margin), plus an abstract, list of keywords, and bibliography.
The assignment will be discussed in class on several occasions. Examples of previous submissions will be available on Moodle. You will be offered a 15-minute tutorial to discuss your proposed topic, probably in Week Six (tbc).
Please upload your paper to the CW2 submission point on Moodle before 3pm on the submission date.
Learning Outcome: Ability to engage with a range of theoretical approaches to understanding the public relations function and critically analyse the objectives and delivery of a range of strategic communications activities.
Criterion 1 (weighting 75%): Examines a relevant topic using appropriate reading and research to produce a well-constructed paper
Poor choice of topic, little or no understanding of context, inadequate depth of research.
Little or no engagement with theory leading to a most unsatisfactory paper.
Weak choice of topic, minimal understanding of context, inadequate depth of research Minimal engagement with theory leading to an unsatisfactory paper.
Unimaginative choice of topic, limited understanding of context, and limited depth of research,.
Little engagement with theory. Weak presentation and delivery.
Routine choice of topic.
Some understanding of context, adequate depth of research.
Some engagement with theory. Effective construction and presentation.
Challenging and effective choice of topic, good understanding of context.
Useful depth of research.
Sound and critical engagement with theory.
Strong construction and presentation.
Highly challenging and stimulating choice of topic,
Excellent engagement with theory leading to a rewarding paper.
Very strong construction and presentation.
Sophisticated, challenging and stimulating choice of topic,
Exceptional engagement with theory leading to a highly rewarding paper.
Excellent construction and presentation.
Learning Outcome: Ability to contribute to and develop informed discussion and debate on the role and nature of PR practices in a post-industrial, information society
Criterion 1 (weighting 25%): Analysis of research findings and critical reflection on the issues and debates arising from your research
Analysis is poor and superficial. Argument is not evidence- based.
Conjecture is not supported by reference to key issues or debates.
Analysis is weak or undeveloped. Argument is not based on adequate evidence.
Conjecture is not sufficiently supported by reference to key issues or debates.
Analysis is undeveloped. Argument is based on little or poor quality evidence.
Conjecture is not supported by reference to key issues or debates.
Analysis is adequately developed and informed.
Argument is based on evidence from primary and secondary research.
Conjecture is supported to some extent by reference to key issues or debates.
Analysis is well developed.
Argument is based on range of evidence from primary and secondary research.
Conjecture is supported by reference to key issues or debates. Useful observations are made that contribute to contemporary debates.
A thorough, well-developed and informed analysis.
Argument is based on range of evidence from primary and secondary research.
Conjecture is supported by reference to key issues or debates.
Observations are very well made and contribute to contemporary debates.
An exceptionally thorough, sophisticated and informed analysis.
Argument is based on a wide range of evidence from primary and secondary research.
Conjecture is firmly supported by reference to key issues or debates.
Observations are very well made and contribute
to contemporary debates.