Module Assessment Strategy
The equity and the law of trusts module has two assessments. The assessments take the form of an advice to a client, where you will be provided with a bundle of documents in the form of a brief, and from that you will need to evaluate the evidence, apply the law, and provide written advice. This aims to replicate real world scenarios, and is indicative of the form of work you will do as a private client practitioner. Full support will be provided in relation to each assessment, with samples provided to guide you in the production of your work. Each assessment is a minimum of 6 pages in length. While I do not wish to dictate format, I would recommend that you follow the sample advice which I provided. That is Ariel font, size 11, 1.5 line spacing.
If you have any questions in the meantime, please don't hesitate to the module leader, Chris Kirkbride
Question posted on Canvas
Submission Date
Return Date
Assessment One
Assessment Two
27/05/24Summative One Documents
Part One of the Summative Information (Bundle of Documents):
5LAW2004 5WLA2009 Summative One Bundle Documents 2324 FINAL.docxDownload 5LAW2004 5WLA2009 Summative One Bundle Documents 2324 FINAL.docx
Part Two of the Summative Information (Copy Audio Answerphone Message from Struan Robertson to Oscar Peterson (15th September 2023)):
Level Five Extension Request Form is available hereLinks to an external site..
Level Five Marking Criteria
Indicative Classification Descriptor
Numeric Grade (19 point scale)
Grade Point
Grade Descriptor
Presentation & structure
Content / Knowledge
Breadth / Depth & Integration of Sources
Analysis & Application
Presentation of References
1st Class Honours
Outstanding presentation & clarity.
No significant grammatical / spelling errors. Work reads fluently with clear, appropriate structure.
Outstanding exploration of topic showing excellent knowledge & understanding. All relevant points have been identified and student may have shown awareness of the wider issues around the topic.
Outstanding breadth & depth of sources used, showing student has read widely on the topic. Outstanding integration of appropriate authoritative sources into work – student has fully engaged with the sources in building an argument/case.
Outstanding level of analysis & application.
Highly developed / focused work which has fully engaged with the question and has presented a convincing, well-supported argument.
Outstanding standard of referencing within text with accuracy to those on list.
Accurate list & use of recommended referencing system in footnotes and bibliography, as well as in the main body of the work.
Excellent structure.
Fluent writing style with very few errors.
Excellent level of knowledge & demonstrated. Covers all relevant points & issues.
Excellent breadth & depth.
Excellent integration of appropriate sources into work to help develop an argument.
Excellent level of analysis & application of issues.
Excellent standard of referencing within text with accuracy to those on list.
Accurate list & use of recommended referencing system.
Very good
Very good clear structure.
Articulate & fluent writing style. Very few grammatical errors & spelling mistakes.
Very good level of knowledge & understanding demonstrated. Key points are identified but some minor issues may not be fully explored or applied
Very good breadth & depth appropriate to topic, some evidence of wider reading.
Sources integrated very well to provide supporting evidence.
Very good level of, analysis & application but not consistently taken to full extent.
Very good standard of referencing within text with general accuracy to those on list.
Use of recommended referencing system.
Upper 2nd Class Honours
Good clear presentation & structure with paragraphing.
Writing is mainly clear but some spelling &/ or grammatical errors.
Good level of knowledge & understanding demonstrated. Most major issues explored with some minor aspects not considered
Key sources are identified but limited evidence of wider reading.
Sources may not be fully integrated into the work or may not always be the most authoritative sources.
Good level of analysis & application but some issues could be addressed or developed further.
Some minor omissions.
Consistent standard of referencing within text but may not have fully complied with the recommended referencing system.
Lower 2nd Class Honours
Clear Pass
Reasonable structure. Generally written clearly but there may be occasional grammatical & / or spelling errors.
Reasonable level of knowledge & understanding but with incomplete integration into topic set. A few major issues not fully explored and minor issues omitted.
Reasonable breadth & depth appropriate to topic.
Some additional sources will be mentioned but too much reliance on key cases or textbook.
Reasonable level of analysis & application but tends towards the descriptive and a few matters superficially addressed or omitted.
Reasonable use of appropriate referencing within text & in the bibliography.
Some inaccuracies in recording.
3rd Class Honours
Marginal Pass
Satisfactory but a
basic structure.
Not always written clearly & has grammatical & / or spelling errors.
Basic level of knowledge & understanding but with limited integration into topic set. Some major issues not fully explored and minor issues omitted.
Basic breadth & depth appropriate to topic.
Some sources will be mentioned but too much reliance on key cases or textbook.
Basic level of analysis & application with a number of matters superficially addressed or omitted.
Basic referencing within text & broadly consistent use of referencing system.
Some inaccuracies in recording.
Not applicable
Marginal Fail
Weak format, limited or poor structure.
Muddled work, with many spelling and/or grammatical errors.
Unsatisfactory evidence of knowledge & understanding with limited exploration or omission of the major issues
Limited or muddled understanding of the topic with limited reference to relevant sources with some irrelevant to topic.
Limited evidence of analysis & application.
More development & comment needed. Answer generally limited to accurate description.
Use of referencing system with errors & inconsistently applied. Limited referencing within the text. Limited accuracy of in-text references compared to those in the final Reference list.
Clear Fail
Inadequate format & poor paragraphing / signposting.
Inappropriate writing style
Poorly written &/or poor spelling & grammar.
Inadequate evidence of knowledge & understanding with very limited exploration or omission of the major issues.
Very limited understanding of topic with very limited reference to relevant sources and possible reference to irrelevant sources
Very limited evidence of analysis or application.
Answer generally limited to description, some of which is inaccurate.
Inaccurate use of referencing system or absence of use of system.
Little or Nothing of merit
Nothing of merit.
Poorly written work, lacking structure, paragraphing / signposting.
Many inaccuracies in spelling & grammar.
Nothing of merit.
No evidence of appropriate knowledge & understanding.
Nothing of merit
No breadth or depth to answer nor reference to relevant sources.
Nothing of merit.
No evidence of analysis or application. Question has not been answered.
Nothing of merit
Referencing system was not or very poorly used.