need 10 pages
Question # 49136 | Writing | 11 months ago |
$45 |
Faculty for Applied Health Sciences
Standard Operating Procedures for Research Papers in
Bachelor Health Informatics
Scope and formatting:
Cover page
Design see attachment 1
Table of contents
Up to outline level 3
List of abbreviations
Verdana 10 Standard
Text segment
10-15 DIN A4 Seiten, without cover page and index *
Left edge
3,0 cm
Right edge
2,0 cm
Top edge
2,5 cm
Lower edge
2,0 cm
Verdana 10 Standard
Paragraph alignment
Full justification with hyphenation
Line distance
1,5 lines
Main headings
Verdana 12 bold
Verdana 10 bold
All illustrations consecutively numbered, legend in Verdana 8, left-justified
All tables consecutively numbered, legend in Verdana 8, left-justified
Citation & Literature index
APA, current version
Illustrations and tables are designed to explain the text and make it clear and comprehensible by using examples.
In order to ensure equal conditions, please observe the following specifications:
Cover page, table of contents, list of abbreviations, list of references and appendix are not
included in the text section (7 - 10 pages) of a research paper.
Structure and content:
Scientific papers generally have the following structure:
- Introduction:
o In the introduction, the main ideas and concepts of the paper should be presented
o The aim is to motivate the reader to read the rest of the text
o Briefly describe the selected topic, the overall findings, and describe the main ideas which will be covered in the rest of the research paper
- Methodology:
o Depending on the topic of the research paper the methods and procedures applied should be specified at this point. As methodology you may select “qualitative methodology” or “quantitative methodology” or “mixed”. If the research paper is based on an opinion poll (qualitative method) the type of collecting information shall be specified. Secondary sources must be marked clearly. If a paper is based on an opinion poll, the type of information collection must be specified. Secondary sources must be clearly marked. If an individual method is used, this must be described.
- Results:
o Here the results are presented in a clear, well-structured and objective way using describing text, figures and charts.
o Interpretations of the results are not appropriate in this chapter. Comparisons with the results of other authors do not belong to this chapter either.
o Do not quote any literature in this chapter!
- Discussion:
o The results from the previous chapter are evaluated and/or interpreted. This can also be done by comparing the results with those of other authors.
o A critical evaluation of weak points identified can also be given in this chapter. o
Consequences can furthermore be drawn in this chapter.
o All sources quoted in the text have to be listed in the list of references. Each reader has to be able to find the original publication and/r the original source with the source stated.
- Conclusion:
o Introduction and summary represent the two „cornerstones“ of the paper.
o The summary describes the key findings of the paper and has to be clear and comprehensible on its own.
o Expand on the key findings of the paper – why is this important and what impact does this have in the real world?
The page numbers are distributed among the individual chapters according to the following orientation scheme:
5 %
Approximate page length
0,5 pages
20 %
Approximate page length
2 page
10 %
Approximate page length
1 page
15 %
Approximate page length
1 – 2 pages
40 %
Approximate page length
4 - 6 pages
10 %
Approximate page length
1 page
List of references:
The list of references is arranged in alphabetical order or consecutively numbered. Quotations in the text section can be inserted using one of the two following procedures:
- APA (American Psychological Association) 7th edition guidelines specifying the author’s name:
o Example 1 – Author’s Last Name, Year:
Some research suggests working together in groups leads to better overall outcomes in the classroom (Blanco, 2009).
o Example 2 – Numerical Designation:
Some research suggests working together in groups leads to better overall outcomes in the classroom[1].
In the list of references, the literature quoted is displayed as follows: Example 1:
Blanco, O. (2009). A Comparison of Learning Outcomes in University Students. Student Development in Higher Education, 14(2), 27-36. Retrieved December 9, 2020, from
Example 2:
[1] Blanco, O. (2009). A Comparison of Learning Outcomes in University Students. Student Development in Higher Education, 14(2), 27-36. Retrieved December 9, 2020, from
Style issues:
Dates of submission:
Dates of submission for research papers have to be complied with. In the case of a professional
or personal emergency, an extension is possible. Reasons justifying such an extension have to be presented in writing and require the approval of the Board of Examiners.