Eng Comp I part 3
Question # 49151 | Writing | 11 months ago |
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Assignment 3.2 (need about 400-450 words) Due on Saturday January 20th
Introduction and Alignment
Once you are able to distinguish between paraphrasing and summarizing, you will be able to pay closer attention to articles, books, and other texts critically with an eye toward using insight and data (when needed) in your own assignments and projects.
Upon completion of this assignment, you should be able to:
• Demonstrate the ability to summarize accurately.
• Review: Chapter 47, "Summarizing Sources,” in Ruszkiewicz & Dolmage.
• Watch: Summarizing and Paraphrasing (2:20).
Assignment Instructions
• Think of either your favorite movie, book, or television program. Choose one.
• In your initial discussion post, you will write a summary of that book, or film, or television show without using the TITLE.
• Your summary should be a minimum of 300-500 words. You may go over that amount if needed.
Assignment 3.3 (need a MS Word Document for this) Due on 23rd January
Introduction and Alignment
In college, you are often asked to find "scholarly articles" when you research a topic. These are articles which are:
(1) written by experts (usually university professors or graduate students),
(2) found using databases such as EbscoHost, FirstSearch, JSTOR, etc.
(3) found in academic journals.
(4) replete with citations, both within the body of the paper and in a list at the end.
Upon completion of this assignment, you should be able to:
• Identify key differences and similarities between a scholarly article and a magazine article.
• Read: Chapter 43, “Finding Print and Online Sources,” in Ruszkiewicz & Dolmage.
Writing Resources
• SNU Library
◦ Library Tutorials & Citation Help
◦ Using Google Scholar to find scholarly sources
• Review: APA Style and Formatting Guide
Assignment Instructions
• Here is a link to SNU's list of databases, as well as to other types of sources. Use this link and the Writing Resources above to familiarize yourself with how to locate a scholarly article.
• In this assignment, you will focus on these key questions:
◦ What features characterize a scholarly article?
◦ How is this type of writing different from other types of writing?
• Use the table (linked below) as a guide for identifying key differences and similarities between a scholarly article and a magazine article. The articles you are being asked to compare are linked below:
◦ Magazine Article
◦ Scholarly Article
◦ Table
• Save the completed chart to your computer, and upload it to this assignment.
Assignment 3.1 (5 marks, i need 6-7 lines) due on 23rd January
Read: Psalm 119:105
Expertise matters. It’s not hard to think about situations in which we needed the input of an expert. God has created us all to be unique, and in that uniqueness, we have desires to learn about one thing, but perhaps not another. Sometimes learning is extended by experience until we are considered an expert, but being an expert in one area does not necessarily translate to being an expert in another. I’m unlikely to consult my auto mechanic when my dog is sick, or when I’m wondering when I can retire.
Part of this week’s activities will involve the careful consideration of the sources we read and use in research. Everyone has an opinion, but not everyone is an expert. Opinions can be valuable, but seeking out experts is a vital component of academic life. Experts can provide researched and time-tested insights, and save us from a lot of extra work in the end.
As you begin this week’s activities, spend a few minutes thinking about the ultimate Expert, the One who created the universe, the One who created us, the One who loves us more than we can comprehend, and the One who continues to communicate with us through Scripture. Will the Bible answer every known question precisely? No. However, its Truth remains, and if we spend time learning about God through Scripture, He will be that light on our path every step of the way. We never walk alone, and there is no need to walk in the dark!
Share a situation in which you needed to consult an expert, and what difference the expert’s advice made in your situation or outcome. Was it hard to ask for input? Did the expert share their knowledge freely? How easy is it to trust an expert?
Assignment 3.4 Due January 23rd
Introduction and Alignment
Academic writing also involves heavy use of paraphrasing sources. Paraphrasing is actually much more common than quoting, particularly in APA-style writing.
According to Lumenlearning.com (2021), paraphrasing has several advantages:
• allows you to keep a consistent tone and voice throughout the essay.
• demonstrates your mastery of the concepts coming from outside sources.
• allows you to be flexible in wording and vocabulary to best meet the needs of your readers.
Paraphrasing seems simple on the surface: it’s just putting another author’s ideas into your own original words. In practice, though, this is one of the most challenging aspects of writing academic work.
Upon completion of this assignment, you should be able to:
• Demonstrate appropriate APA style in-text citations for paraphrased sources.
• Read: Chapter 48, “Paraphrasing Sources,” in Ruszkiewicz & Dolmage.
• Read: Chapter 52, “APA In-Text Citation” section in Ruszkiewicz & Dolmage (found at the beginning of Chapter 52).
• Watch: Summarizing and Paraphrasing (2:20)
Assignment Instructions
• Read the following excerpt from Michael Todd’s article (2013) “Is That Plastic in Your Trash A Hazard?”
Plastic has taken its lumps of late. Plastic bags are being chased from store checkouts around the world. Bisphenol A, or BPA, in plastic containers has been linked to a Pandora’s box of hormonal and genetic problems. And the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian oceans each have a gigantic soupy concoction of plastic waste at their centers—the Pacific and Atlantic have one such patch in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.
Despite this, the world’s general attitude to plastic has been pretty cavalier. And since we’re not sweating the advent of peak oil as much, at least not in North America, that plastics are made from petrochemicals doesn’t seem so problematic. In fact, if current trends continue, the 280 million tons of plastic produced in 2012 will grow to 33 billion tons in 2050. How cavalier would we be if plastics, always assumed to be chemically inert, were a hazardous waste?
A group of researchers led by ecologists Chelsea M. Rochman and Mark Anthony Browne, commenting in the journal Nature, call for governments around the world to classify some plastics, such as PVC, polystyrene, polyurethane, and polycarbonate, as hazardous waste. Such a move, if undertaken by major producers like the U.S., China and the European Union, would—in the researchers’ view—foster a virtuous circle of less waste, resulting in less potentially toxic material that ends up in oceans or leaches harmful chemicals from landfills, and could even create new jobs as industry sought safer replacement materials.
Source information:
Todd, Michael (2013). "Is that plastic in your trash a hazard?” In John. J. Ruszkiewicz and Jay T. Dolmage (Eds.), How to write anything: A guide and reference with readings (4th ed.). (723-727). Boston: Bedford/St.Martin’s.
• Copy and paste the one paragraph from the original excerpt above into your document and add the heading "Original Passage." Below the one paragraph excerpt, add another heading, “Paraphrase.” Then paraphrase one of the paragraphs from the excerpt with proper in-text citation. Use this Purdue Owl page (scroll to the bottom) to help guide your in-text citation formatting, specifically related to paraphrasing, not quoting.
• Upload your document that contains the original text and a clearly-labeled paraphrase with in-text citation.
Assignment 3.5 Due on 23rd January
Introduction and Alignment
One of the most common assignments you will encounter in college is the “summarize & response” essay. Knowing how to accurately summarize a single article, essay, book, etc., will strengthen your ability to convey other people’s ideas accurately, while helping you structure and strengthen your personal opinions.
Upon completion of this assignment, you should be able to:
• Write an objective summary that faithfully describes the author’s key ideas and thinking as demonstrated in the corresponding article.
• Chapter 60, “Glutton Intolerance: What if a War on Obesity Only Makes the Problems Worse?" essay by Daniel Engbar in Ruszkiewicz & Dolmage.
• Chapter 61, “The Case for Locking Up Your Smartphone” essay by Marcel O’Gorman in Ruszkiewicz & Dolmage.
• Chapter 62, “College Admissions Are Corrupt Because Universities Are. Here's How to Fix Them,” essay in Ruszkiewicz & Dolmage (found near the beginning of Chapter 63)
• Chapter 63, "On Marvel's First Female Superhero Written by a Woman: Comic Book Feminism 45 Years before Wonder Woman," in Ruszkiewicz & Dolmage (found near the end of Chapter 63).
Writing Resources
• SNU Library
◦ Library Tutorials & Citation Help
◦ Using Google Scholar to find scholarly sources
• Review: APA Style and Formatting Guide
Assignment Instructions
Step 1: Choose one of the following articles to summarize and respond to for this assignment:
• Chapter 60, “Glutton Intolerance: What if a War on Obesity Only Makes the Problems Worse?" essay by Daniel Engbar in Ruszkiewicz & Dolmage.
• Chapter 61, “The Case for Locking Up Your Smartphone” essay by Marcel O’Gorman in Ruszkiewicz & Dolmage.
• Chapter 62, “College Admissions Are Corrupt Because Universities Are. Here's How to Fix Them,” essay in Ruszkiewicz & Dolmage (found near the beginning of Chapter 63)
• Chapter 63, "On Marvel's First Female Superhero Written by a Woman: Comic Book Feminism 45 Years before Wonder Woman," in Ruszkiewicz & Dolmage (found near the end of Chapter 63).
Step 2: Next, write a three-paragraph summary. A paragraph is no less than 11-13 lines (Lines are not the same as sentences; lines are when you count the number of lines in a paragraph). Keep your summary objective. You are writing about the author’s ideas, not your own, in this section. Do not use “I” in the summary.
Step 3: Then, using APA format with a Title Page, type a three-paragraph response. Even though you are writing your own personal response, do not use “I” or phrases such as “I think,” “I feel,” or “in my opinion.” Such phrases are unnecessary. Try to omit them. For example:
“In my opinion, cows should not jump over the moon because….”
A better revision is:
“Cows should not jump over the moon because…..”
Step 4: Create a References page with the citation information for the article you choose (listed above). Use APA style for your citations of quoted or paraphrased material and for the format of the paper.
Step 5: Upload the completed document, containing a minimum of 6 paragraphs, to this assignment in Canvas.