Drug behavior paper
Question # 49248 | Writing | 9 months ago |
$50 |
This page includes instructions for Term Paper and a link (below the instructions) to submit the assignment for assessment.
Due: after you have completed Unit 20
Length: The term paper should be at least 3000 words length (double-spaced pages). Note that this does not include title pages, reference pages, figures, and appendices. The typical type size is 12 points (minimum acceptable size is 11 points). You are expected to submit your paper electronically in Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) or Rich Text Format (.rtf) through the online course dropbox. Contact your tutor for further instructions or to make alternative arrangements. Your paper should be written according to the style described by the American Psychological Association (APA): American Psychological Association (2019). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.). Washington, DC: Author. The tutorial has been created and can be accessed at http://psych.athabascau.ca/open/apa7/standards.php
Weight: 35% of your final course grade
Submit your term paper before you write the final exam. It may help you in writing the exam. If you run into trouble, you may submit your term paper after you write the final exam, but you must submit it on the last day of your course contract at latest.
Write a term paper on the topic that you chose for your term paper thesis statement and outline.
Do not write your paper until your tutor has approved your term paper outline.
Since Psychology 450 is a senior-level course, it is assumed that most students are experienced at writing term papers. If you are unsure of your writing ability, ask your tutor for help and for reference to helpful materials. See the Resources: General, Research, and Writing link near the bottom of the main course page for further guidance with research and to help you with the course in general.
Please read the pages on the Characteristics of a Quality Paper, Citation Style, and the Term Paper Grading Criteria in the Term Paper Outline and Term Paper section of the Course Information.
You are encouraged to visit Purdue’s Online Writing Lab’s Writing a Research Paper and AU Write Site’s Research writing and Writing in the disciplines.
- Note that you can submit an essay assignment to the Write Site to receive feedback about the writing component—organization, mechanics, grammar, and style—of an assignment before you submit it to your tutor for marking. The Write Site does not provide comments on the factual accuracy or general academic content of your essay.
Your paper should be
written according to the style described by the American Psychological
Association (APA): American Psychological Association (2019). Publication
manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.).
Washington, DC: Author. The tutorial has been created and can be accessed
at http://psych.athabascau.ca/open/apa7/standards.php
Other sources can be consulted are:
- APA’s Style and Grammar Guidelines (7th ed.)
- AU Library’s print copies of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.)
- Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL)’s information on APA Style (7th ed.)
Before you complete this assignment, please read the page on Academic Integrity.
Submit your paper in Microsoft Word format (.doc or .docx) or rich text format (.rtf).
Submission Instructions
Submit your completed assignment to Term Paper for assessment (submission link will be available upon your course contract start date).
1. Once you submit the assignment for grading, your submission is final. To resubmit the assignment, you must obtain special permission from your instructor.
Please name your file using the following template:
<course shortname>_<assignment#>_<lastname><firstname>_<studentID>
o COMP101_Assignment1_DoeJane_1234567
o COMP101_Assignment1_file1_DoeJane_1234567
o COMP101_FinalAssignment_DoeJane_1234567