PSYC-333-A-2024SP Self-Management Behavior Change Project Part 2
Question # 49263 | Writing | 11 months ago |
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Self-Management Behavior Change ProjectLinks to an external site.
Part 2: Baseline Data Collection, Goal & Reflection (70 points)
What you will submit:
Baseline Tracking Data SheetLinks to an external site. with 7 days of baseline data and Graph (see graphing instructions below), ABC Data with 5 occurrences of data and Graph, goal, and responses to the questions below (3-4 pgs including graphs)
Baseline Data:
Whenever you want to modify a behavior, you must have a strong understanding of that behavior prior to engaging in any attempts to modify the behavior. Therefore, you must track the behavior carefully using the operational definition to obtain information about the frequency or duration of the behavior as well as natural antecedents and consequences of the behavior. This is called taking a baseline measurement. A baseline measurement is when you measure your behavior without making any attempts to change the behavior. So, you just track what you are currently doing. For instance, if you are tracking meditating and you currently do not meditate at all, you should not start meditating during baseline, you will just write 0 minutes each day. Without a baseline measure, it’s impossible to determine if the behavior has changed, so this step is very important!
Using the provided Links to an external site.Baseline Tracking Data SheetLinks to an external site.,Links to an external site. write the behavior you chose to modify for this project and copy the operational definition for your chosen behavior onto your tracking sheet. Every day you should track the behavior in the exact way the operational definition states. You cannot count things that are not listed, and you cannot change the unit of measurement. Baseline data should be collected EVERY DAY for at least SEVEN days!! After you collect your baseline, you will be required to create a line graph that includes a Chart Title, Y-Axis Title, and X-Axis Labels.
Behaviors Data Collection Options:
Behaviors to INCREASE
- Studying = Minutes spent engaging in any of the following: quizzing self on material, participating in study group, creating study guides, creating concept maps, creating potential exam questions and answering them, creating examples of material, thinking about how the material applies to your life now and in the future, or completing practice quizzes or exams
- Drinking water = Ounces of water consumed (*you may NOT change this to bottles or cups, you should convert bottles or cups to ounces)
- Sleeping = Time in hours and minutes per day when I am fully asleep as determined by memory of last time I was aware of the time until the time I woke up (lying in bed awake does not count) (you may either count or exclude naps but be specific which you are doing) OR Time in hours and minutes per day when I am asleep according to my smart watch (or an app on my phone)
- Meditating = Minutes spent engaging in a conscious effort to meditate
- Reading = Minutes spent reading. Feel free to specify exactly what you need to read for this to count, e.g., “Minutes spent reading books for enjoyment”, “Minutes spent reading news articles”, “Minutes spent reading books, articles, textbooks (reading social media posts does not count)”
Behaviors to DECREASE
- Biting nails = Number of times I am aware that I have put a nail in my mouth and bitten down on the nail
- Social media use = Minutes spent using any of the following social media websites or apps: Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, Pinterest, Reddit, Tumblr, TikTok (you may add any other social media platforms you use. This can be self-reported OR as per the app usage tracker on your phone, please just be clear about which one you are reporting).
- Electronic use = Minutes spent using any of the following electronics: cell phone, tablet, computer, television
- Cursing = Number of times I say any of the following: F*ck, B*tch, H*ll, Sh*t, A*s, D*mn (you can add other words you consider cursing, but please specify what they are)
- Playing video games = Minutes spent playing a video game using a video game console, computer, or other electronic device
For a behavior that you want to change how OFTEN it happens
If you are tracking a behavior that you are going to want to change how often it happens, your operational definition defines what each tally mark means. You must follow your operational definition exactly and you should make tally marks every time you catch yourself engaging in the behavior as you defined it that day. Try to write the tally mark as quickly as possible so that you are not guessing. e.g., If you said you were tracking number of times you cursed, you need to put a tally mark every time you curse and add them up at the end of the day for the total number.
Sample tracking sheet for a behavior that you want to change how OFTEN it happens
Behavior = Biting nails
Operational Definition = Number of times I am aware that I have put a nail in my mouth and bitten down on the nail.
Sample TrackingDay of week
Tracking [use the unit of measurement in your operational definition]
III = 18
= 25
I = 26
= 15
= 25
II = 32
Total = 166 bites Average = 23.71 bites/day
For a behavior that you want to change how LONG it happens
If you are tracking a behavior that you want to change how long it happens, your operational definition defined whether you were measuring your specified behavior in seconds, minutes, or hours. You must follow your operational definition exactly and write down every time you catch yourself engaging in the behavior as you defined it that day in the unit of time you specified. Try to write the duration as quickly as possible so that you are not guessing later on. e.g., If you said you were tracking minutes spent studying, you should write down how many minutes you engage in studying throughout the day every time you study and then add them up at the end of the day for total minutes spent studying that day.
Sample tracking sheet for a behavior that you want to change how LONG it happens
Behavior = Sleeping
Operational Definition = Time in hours and minutes per day when I am fully asleep as determined by memory of last time I was aware of the time until the time I woke up (lying in bed awake does not count)
Sample TrackingDay of the week
Tracking [use the unit of measurement given in your operational definition]
7 hours = 7
7 hours and 15 minutes = 7.25
7 hours = 7
7 hours and 30 minutes = 7.5
6 hours = 6
8 hours = 8
4 hours and 20 minutes = 4.33
Total = 47.08 hours Average = 6.73 hours/night
Links to an external site. PSYC 333 Graphing Template.xlsx Download PSYC 333 Graphing Template.xlsx
ABC Data Collection:
Additionally, 5 times during baseline, you are to also collect ABC data (Antecedent-Behavior-Consequence) on the Links to an external site.Baseline Tracking Data SheetLinks to an external site.. You will identify the date, time, what happens before the behavior occurs, why you think you engaged in the behavior, and what happened after the behavior occurred. You will then analyze this data and create a graph depicting the results. The graph should include the results of the antecedents and the consequences. See example below:
Sample ABC Data Collection Sheet
Sample ABC Data TrackingBasic Info:
What was happening just before the behavior? (Antecedent)
What is the behavior? (Behavior)
Why do you think you engaged in the behavior? (Perceived Function)
What happened after the behavior occurred? (Consequence)
Time Began:
Time Ended:
- Low Attention
- Task/Demand/Activity
- Access Restricted
- Transition/ Down Time
- Studying
- Drinking Water
- Sleeping
- Meditating
- Reading
- Nail Biting
- Social Media Use
- Electronic Use
- Cursing
- Playing Video Games
- Self-Stimulatory (Feels Good)
- Escape/Avoid/Delay Task/Person/Activity
- Obtain Attention
- Obtain Tangible/Item
- Avoided Painful/Uncomfortable Sensation
- Increased Comfortable/Preferable Sensation
- Escape/Avoid/Delay Task/Person/Activity
- Attention Provided
- Access Provided to tangible/item
Sample ABC Data Graph
Analysis of Baseline Data:
After completing your baseline and ABC Data, you can learn a lot about your behavior to help you successfully modify it in the future. Once you are done tracking your behavior for the full duration of the baseline period, look at your data as you answer all of the prompts below:
- Determine the average (i.e., mean) daily frequency or duration of your target behavior during your baseline. (e.g., 20 times per day on average; 15 minutes per day on average) [To do this, add up the total for each day and divide by the number of days you completed your baseline for.]
- Where did your behavior take place? Did you notice places your behavior did not take place? *Please note that these questions are much more relevant for some behaviors (e.g., swearing & biting nails), than others (e.g., sleeping), but you should answer this either way. *If you did not engage in the behavior at all, please just write that.
- What tended to follow the behavior when you engaged in it? Were there any consequences you received naturally? For example, if you slept 3 hours one night, you were probably tired the next day.
- Reflect on the experience of collecting baseline data. What did you learn? Did anything surprise you? Are there any challenges you anticipate once you move into the behavior change phase? What was the hardest part of collecting baseline data?
You must track your chosen behavior every day for the duration of the project in the exact manner the operational definition states. A day will be measured from 12 AM (midnight) to 11:59 PM for all behaviors except sleep. If you want to make any changes to the following operational definition for your chosen behavior, you must email me what you would like to change it to and the reason for your desire to change the operational definition and then wait for my approval. If you change the operational definition without approval and track using a different operational definition, you will lose points!
Write a SMART terminal behavioral goal you want to achieve by changing a behavior this semester. Be specific and clear!
-The goal must specify a Specific objective, observable, Measurable behavior
-For example, “I want to smoke fewer than 6 cigarettes per day, from a baseline of 20 cigarettes per day, by the end of the semester”.
-The terminal goal needs to include a baseline.
-For example, “I want to smoke fewer than 6 cigarettes per day, from a baseline of 20 cigarettes per day, by the end of the semester””.
-The terminal goal needs to specify the amount of the target behavior that is Attainable.
-For example, “I want to smoke fewer than 6 cigarettes per day, from a baseline of 20 cigarettes per day, by the end of the semester”.
-The terminal goal needs to specify the amount of the target behavior that is Realistically to be completed in a specified Time frame.
-For example, “I want to smoke fewer than 6 cigarettes per day, from a baseline of 20 cigarettes per day, by the end of the semester”.
Grading Rubric for Part 2 (70 points possible)
RubricGrading Rubric for Part 2 (70 points possible)
0 points
5 points
8 points
10 points
Baseline Data
Baseline data missing
Fewer than 4 days of baseline data and/or did not use the provided sheet, or 4-5 days of baseline data tracked correctly but not graphed
4-5 days of baseline data, tracked correctly using the provided sheet and graphed, or 7 days of baseline data tracked but not graphed correctly
7 days of baseline data, tracked correctly using the provided sheet and graphed correctly
ABC Data
ABC data missing
Fewer than 3 instances of ABC data, tracked correctly using the provided sheet and graphed, or 4-5 instances of ABC data tracked correctly but not graphed
3-4 instances of ABC data, tracked correctly using the provided sheet and graphed
5 instances of ABC data, tracked correctly using the provided sheet and graphed correctly
Prompt 1
Missing total AND mean score
Missing either total OR mean score, vague discussion of target goal
Both total and mean score present but calculated incorrectly, discussion of target goal included but could be more detailed.
Both total and mean scores accurately calculated and reported. Detailed discussion of target goal.
Prompt 2
Prompt 2 missing
Discussion of where behavior did or did not take place was very basic, more elaboration needed.
Discussion of where behavior did or did not take place was present but lacking in critical thinking
Thorough discussion of where behavior did or did not take place. Student clearly thought critically about the relevance of location or triggers in behavior change.
Prompt 3
Prompt 3 missing
Consequences were mentioned but not discussed.
Consequences were mentioned and discussed , but more detail was needed.
Thorough and insightful discussion of consequences following behavior, as well as how they apply to behavior plan
Prompt 4
Prompt 4 missing
Analysis and reflection were weak. Multiple parts of the prompt were missing.
Analysis and reflection were provided, although could use more elaboration. Most parts of the prompt were answered.
Thorough analysis and reflection. Student clearly thought critically about the experience. All parts of the prompt were answered in depth.
Terminal goal not identified
-Terminal goal identified but not clear.
Terminal goal identified but did not follow all of the SMART format.
Objective behavioral terminal SMART goal clearly identified