CPO3103-24Spring 0W60 Essay Exam 4
Question # 49276 | Writing | 11 months ago |
$20 |
Below is the fourth essay exam. There is one question. There is no length limit. You must cite your sources in-text, in addition to a work cited page. Readings should be cited with the page number from which they are taken. Lectures should be cited with the timestamp from the exact point in the lecture that is being cited.
You may use outside sources to support your country's examples as long as those sources are cited properly and are reputable sources (i.e. not Wikipedia or random Angelfire websites from 1999). Please look over the rubric on the assignment page below BEFORE planning your answers. The rubric applies to both questions.
What type of authoritarian government is most likely to transition to democracy? What type is least likely to transition? Justify your answers.
In your answer, be sure to:
- Differentiate and define at least three types of authoritarian governments based on lecture content.
- Discuss how and to what extent each of your chosen authoritarian regime types may be susceptible to democratic transition.
- Cite at least lecture 8 or 9 in your response and integrate content from the lecture(s) into your argument.
- Cite and discuss at least three of the assigned readings from weeks 8 and 9 of the course appropriate for answering the question.
- Provide at least one substantive example from the politics of a country that supports your argument.
- Note: the country you use in this essay cannot be the United States.
Lateness: The exam is due on March 13 @ 11:59p. There is a 2.5-point penalty for every 12 hours the exam is late. No exams will be accepted after March 17.
Take Home Exam RubricCriteriaRatingsPointsClarity of Argument20.0 pts10.0 pts0.0 pts20.0 ptsApplication of Lecture Content20.0 pts10.0 pts20.0 ptsApplication of Readings30.0 pts20.0 pts10.0 pts30.0 ptsRelevance of Case Example(s)20.0 pts10.0 pts0.0 pts20.0 ptsCitations10.0 pts0.0 pts10.0 ptsTotal Points: 100.0Rubric