MGT602 Business Decision Analytics[Decision Style Analysis Reflective repor
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Subject Code and Title
MGT602 Business Decision Analytics
Decision Style Analysis Reflective report
Up to 1500 words
Learning Outcomes
a) Select and evaluate the usefulness of a range of decision making tools and reflect on your decision-making styles and contrast with other styles to determine the respective levels of rationality and intuition utilised
b) Compare, contrast and critically evaluate sources of data as
influences for decision-making in a range of business contexts
For regular class (12 Weeks Duration):
By 11:55 pm AEST/AEDT Sunday of Module 2.2 (week 4)
For intensive class (6 Weeks Duration):
Part A: By 11:55 pm AEST/AEDT Sunday of Module 2.2 (week 2)
Total Marks
20 marks
Fast changing workplaces call for greater flexibility in the ways individuals and work teams make and implement decisions. Alongside the increasing rate of change are the demands for better decision making through understanding and mitigating personal preferences and biases.
This assessment has been designed to:
§ Appraise your ability to research academic literature on decision making. You are expected to utilise the literature provided in Modules 1 and 2 as a foundation that guides your further academic research.
§ Select and evaluate the usefulness of a range of decision-making tools and reflect on levels of rationality and intuition utilised during the decision-making process.
§ Compare, contrast and critically evaluate sources of data as influences in the decision-making context
§ Identify the relevant sources of influence and limitations in your decision-decision making process
MGT602 Assessment 1 writing guidelines:
This assessment draws on learning activities and resources from Modules 1 and 2. It is designed for you to engage in the decision-making process and then reflectively analyse your decision-making process using only theories and concepts from the Business Decision Analytics course (MGT602).
You should include in your reflective report:
§ The decision-making problem detailed by your learning facilitator
§ Analysis of your decision-making preferences (see activity Module 1)
§ Analysis and influence of your personality traits and the impact on your decision-making
§ Details of the sources of data collected during the decision-making process and how this data was evaluated/analysed
§ Analysis of the decision-making process using any of the models discussed in Modules 1 and 2
plus any of your further relevant readings
§ Analysis of written feedback from at least 2 other people from within the MGT602 class on your decision-making process in the topic nominated by your Learning Facilitator
§ Discussion of your biases and blind spots uncovered from research of your personality traits and feedback from your peers.
§ Relevant visual interpretation of data / trends/ patterns
§ As a reflective analysis you will present your analysis in the first person.
Submission format
1. Introduction: 100 words maximum. The introduction will present the reader with a clear and concise understanding of the following: 1. What is the submission about; 2. What theories will be used; 3 Your concise conclusion; and 4 The structure of the submission
2. Analysis and evaluation: 1300 words maximum. In this section you will analyse and evaluate your decision-making process using selected theories and concepts from the various Modules offered in Blackboard for this subject. You must include any blind spots or biases that you have identified in making this evaluative decision based on your research and formal feedback from others.
3. Conclusion: 100 words maximum. In this section you will provide a concise summation of your analysis and conclusion(s).
4. References: A minimum of 4 relevant academic references are required from seminal sources and books. These references MUST include references discussed and utilized in class plus any other appropriate and relevant references you have encountered in your research. Referencing must be APA style. For referencing information refer to:
5. Appendix: Must include copies of the actual feedback you have received from your peers with their names.
6. NOTE: This submission is to be presented as a report. Any tables prepared must be identified and discussed in the text/body and included in an appendix.
MGT602 Assessment 1 Submission Process
§ Please make sure to submit your MGT602 Assessment 1 via Blackboard and the Assessments Tab by
End of Module 2.2 (Sunday of 4th teaching session AEST/AEDT).
§ Please make sure to submit ONE Microsoft WORD Document (.doc OR .docx). PDF SUBMISSIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.
§ Please make sure to insert page numbers.
§ You may identify each section with the headings of. 1. Introduction, 2. Analysis and Evaluation, 3. Conclusion, 4. References, 5 Appendix).
§ Any cover sheet and References are not included in the word count. Nor is the appendix
§ Only APA style is used for citing and referencing research. More information on referencing here
§ Please make sure to review the provided marking rubric at the end of this document for your information.
Notes to Learning Facilitator and student:
Each student needs to address the topic that will be provided by the Learning Facilitator by week 2. It
is the student’s responsibility to read the assessment topic and address it accordingly.
The student is required to assume the role of undertaking this decision for themselves and evaluate the decision based on the criteria listed above (eg blind spots, biases, decision models utilized etc) and any further relevant sources gained from Modules 1 and 2 on Blackboard.
Assessment Criteria
Fail (Unacceptable)
Pass (Functional)
Credit (Proficient)
Distinction (Advanced) 75 -
High Distinction (Exceptional)
1. Reflect on daily decision styles and one major decision to analyse and evaluate sources of data, decision-making style and decision-making tools. (25% -5/20)
Little or no authentic personal reflection on daily decision style or major decision. No, or limited analysis or evaluation of sources of data input, decision- making styles and tools.
Some personal reflection on daily decision-making style and major decision- making is evident, with reference to at least two sources of data, decision- making styles and tools.
A clearly authentic personal reflection on daily decision-making style and major decision-making is evident, with clear analysis and evaluation of at least two sources of data, decision-making
styles and tools.
Comprehensive reflection on daily decision-making style and major decision- making is evident, with clear analysis and evaluation of at least three sources of data, decision- making styles and tools.
Comprehensive and sophisticated reflection on daily decision-making style and major decision-making is evident, with explicit analysis and evaluation of multiple sources of data, decision- making styles and tools.
2. Compare and contrast with other decision- making styles and processes to identify bias and blind spots (25% - 5/20)
Little or no evidence of discussions and feedback from other MGT602 students about bias and blind spots or comparison with other decision- making styles
Some evidence of discussion with at least two other MGT602 students and comparative analysis of decision- making styles and the implication of bias and blind spots for own decision-making.
Clear evidence of discussion with at least two other MGT602 students and comparative analysis of decision- making styles and the implication of bias and blind spots for own decision-making.
Comprehensive evidence of discussion with at least three other MGT602 students and comparative analysis of decision- making styles and the implication of bias and blind spots for own decision-making
Sophisticated analysis and comparison of decision- making styles and the implication of bias and blind spots for decision making. Feedback from at least three other MGT602 students is discussed with recommendations to enhance
own decision-making
3.Prepare a business style report with clear headings and visual interpretation and presentation of data trends/ patterns (25%- 5/20)
Report lacks logical coherence and clear structure Limited data analysis and no visual representation of data.
Report has basic logical flow and structure. Basic concepts and analysis are explained Attempts basic visual representation of data
Report has a clear logical flow and structure. Clear expression of concepts and analysis. Adequate visual representation of d
Report has a strong logical flow and structure.
Accurate Introduction. Conclusion accurately captures key learning. Clear visual representation of data trends/ patterns
Excellent logic and structure. Concise, accurate Introduction. Conclusion accurately captures deep learning and insights. Creative and engaging visual representation of data trends/
4.Support your argument with relevant contemporary literature including major resources from within the relevant subject modules. (25%- 5/20)
No, or few references from within subject learning resources modules 1-2 Many errors in text citations and reference list according to APA referencing guidelines
Makes some attempt to use relevant references from within subject learning resources modules 1-2. Several major and minor errors in text citations and reference list according to APA referencing guidelines.
References support an adequate argument and application of major concepts from within subject learning resources modules 1-2. Several minor errors in text citations and reference list according to APA referencing guidelines.
References support a mostly comprehensive argument and application of major concepts from within subject learning resources modules 1-2. Strong level of accuracy of in-text citations and reference list according to APA style guidelines.
Sophisticated references support comprehensive argument and application of major concepts from within subject learning resources modules 1-2 and beyond. High level of accuracy of in-text citations and reference list according to APA style guidelines.
Grading Rubric Assessment 1. Weighting 20%
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