Short answers
Question # 49308 | Psychology | 10 months ago |
$15 |
Use text book: Chapter 4 - Breedlove, S. M., & Watson, N.V. (2019). Behavioral Neuroscience. (9th ed.). Oxford University Press
Lecture slides part 1, 2 & 3 -attached
Question 1
Imagine you step on a piece of Lego. It’s very painful and causes you pickup your foot and jump around in pain almost immediately.
Map out the pathway of the pain signals through the nervous system, from the foot to the brain. Also map out the pathway of the resulting motor command that causes you to lift your foot.
You can use a box and arrow diagram but it’s likely better if you try to draw a ‘wiring diagram’ and label it, also showing the direction of information flow. To draw a diagram, one of you may need to do that in a graphics program and save it as an image.
You should include labels at the level of detail of ‘peripheral nervous system’, ‘central nervous system’, ‘sensory nerve’, ‘motor nerve’, etc.
Hint: there is a diagram in a later chapter of the textbook that can help a lot with this task but the labels on the diagram are not labelled in a way that is appropriate to the introductory nervous system lectures. And it doesn’t include the motor path.
Question 2
In the lecture about action potentials, we covered the role of sodium and potassium ions in generating depolarisation. We didn’t cover the ion involved in creating a hyperpolarised state.
What is the ion involved in creating a hyperpolarised state?
Describe the process as a neuron goes from resting potential to hyperpolarisation.
Question 3
Describe the role of the giant axon of the squid in helping us understand action potentials and describe why the giant axon of the squid was easier to study that almost any other axon.