HCAD510 Final Course Project
Question # 49315 | Writing | 10 months ago |
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Final Course Project
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Assignment Overview
Course Objectives:
- CLO #1: Assess elements of contemporary leadership theories and models
- CLO #2: Analyze qualities and skills of a highly effective, ethical leader.
- CLO#3: Examine the role of the healthcare administrator in leading a high reliability organization.
- CLO #4: Critique management principles and skills required for effective operational management of a healthcare organization.
- CLO #5: Develop a personal philosophy of ethical leadership in health care.
Utilizing the same chosen leaders as your Weeks 2 and 6 assignments, this final assignment aligns with these two chapters of Part 4: Evaluation, plus Appendix A and Appendix C:
- Assessing Team Values
- Evaluating Team Effectiveness
For each leader:
- Provide an overview of assignments from Weeks 2 and 6.
- Using Appendix A: Professional and Personal Evaluation Form (p. 431), evaluate each leaders’ ability to implement personal value concepts in practice in all areas identified in this exhibit. Use the second tool (p. 433), Others’ (your) perception of your leader’s values. Pull from examples cited in previous assignments to support their demonstration of these concepts.
- Using Appendix C: the Leadership Team Evaluation Form (p. 439) to help support your critique of both leader’s ability to guide team effectiveness, evaluate each leader’s ability to lead teams effectively based on this evaluation and other concepts learned throughout this course. Pull from examples cited in previous assignments to support their demonstration of these concepts.
- Analyze each leader’s overall effectiveness based on your learnings from this overall assignment and course.
- Lastly, please determine if these leaders are ones that should be emulated in future healthcare leaders and provide reasons for your decision.
This is an APA paper of at least 8 pages, plus cover page and reference page with at least 5 current (within the past 5 years) scholarly sources.
Due on Mar 31, 2024 11:59 PM