complete methods section of my research [add 6 pages] and edit consent form
Question # 49324 | Writing | 10 months ago |
$40 |
I have a paper I need help completing its the methods section of my research I started a bit of it you have to add 6 pages more….can you edit and finish for me?
Method description (8 pages): A description and justification of the problem being addressed. Discussion will include goodness of fit between the research question and research design. Description the efforts taken to address rigor in selecting a sample, the risks and protections for study participants, safeguards in data collection integrity, and means of data analysis. Also provide the anticipated strengths and limitations of the study and the implications
Also you have to edit
consent form I started a consent form
i have attached what I have done and another document where I have a consent form sample I downloaded if you can edit it
The consent doesn’t have to be like the sample I attached I just downloaded that one for guidance but it can be tweaked. there is not specific length for consent form so just add what’s necessary